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The Baileys
Saturday, 9 August 2003
Hello everyone how are you all doing today? I am doing pretty good just been pretty much sitting around being bored like this morning Steven left at like 8:30pm:( and I was here all alone. And then I got on the computer well granny said that she was going to maw maw's and then she was going to the walmart and I wanted some juice and I wanted to get some food so I got ready and we left right about 12:00 oclock well we went up to greatgrandmothers house and sat up thier. Well I turned the t.v. on and it was on 35 which is nothing but cooking on, on Saturday and I love watching cooking shows so I got sat down or laid down on the couch and I went to sleep and slept and my grandmother came and woke me up well plans had changed we were going to get something to eat we went to Migis and darling it was delicious I loved it. We sat around and talked and enjoyed our little chit chat then we went and got the medicines. Well we came back home and my mother was in the playroom. So I got onto the computer and she freaked my stuff up. She was in thier so I ran in thier and asked her were the phone was and she said right thier and I asked her why did she mess my computer up all she said was blah this and that. Then the screaming started and I mean I am 4 months pregant and my mother is saying I hate u u suck I hope ure child ends up stupid as u just cause I wouldnt let her get on the internet. Then she just continues and continues so me and my mother dont get along well I went to sleep and then next thing I reamember is Steven walking in the door with some SOnic yummy. So let me get going just wanted to put a little something in here god bless and take care Huggs Crystal

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 5:02 PM
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Friday, 8 August 2003
Well hello everyone today is Friday ...whoooo yeah baby well got up this morning and got me a sausage biscut but this time I got me some chesse grits yummy just a little scoop full with some good ole chesse yummy i love chesse grits but I only want them once in awhile if you know what I mean but my day is been pretty much sleeping and the internet I called my husband and he is going to be bring me a Italy Sub yummy I love them damn things well let me go I been on the computer now for about 6 hours:) but anyways talk to you laterzz Buh-Bye Crystal Bailey

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 1:51 PM
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Thursday, 7 August 2003
Thursday(what a day:)
Hello everyone I am terribly sorry again I didn't write in my journel Wensday but here it is. Well on Wensday I got up and took the dog outside and then got me one of those Jimmy Dean Sausage biscuts(umm umm good) as he always says. But anyways I ate that and talked to my grandmother a little bit and then my dog(bandit) was sitting at the door barking and yelping so I just let him out so he could go and do his buisness and stuff and just have a good time outside. I went into my room I think it was still like 8 in the morning and checked my emial and then turned the computer off and went to bed the time I got up was 12 oclock and then again at 2 oclock got steven's lunched fixed and then he was off to work with a kiss and I love you dont never forget to tell ure hubby that I always do. Then the rest of the day I spent making my webpage about like say 7 oclock last night it was rainning so hard we got 2 inches of rain in 25 minutues I said dayumm... Well I went to cooking spegettie and then I ate some with some garlic bread yummy! Grandaddy was watching Last of The Dogmen love that movie about the indians and I just love indians.Anyways I finshed up my webpage it is so cute I just got to add my friends page and familys and quilt and I will be done whoooo. Later on that night my steven came home I was on the net adopting little cut adoptions and emailing my friends:) Just wanted to say hello to Kat Roberts she is now one of my best internet friends:)Well I went to bed around 2 oclock hehe that is about it for Wensday. Well thursday here we are. Well got up this morning at like 7 oclock but mother and grandmother and my brother were going to take him to school frist day.. Whoo now thier going to school and I dont have to listen to everyone I checked my emial and went back to bed. Phew got up at like 12 oclock and got steven's lunch ready I wanted him to eat something but it was already to late I got upset cause everything that is going on cause right now while I am pregant I am very emotional so I cryed and cryed until I pissed all over myself and then I feel to the floor crying well what does my mother do start yelling and now my husband nows why i cry all time so hopefully we are getting out of here soon asap I cant wait till we do. Anyways that is about it right now I am collecting me some more blinkies so let me get going Kat Roberts girl whassup I adopted u some graphics so hope u like them talk to you later girlfriend byeeee Huggs Crystal

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 10:23 AM
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Tuesday, 5 August 2003
Well I am terribly sorry I didn't write in my journel cause I was really busy getting everything ready to make my new webpages and I was getting all my email sent to everyone and then cooking me something to eat and taking a bath all that good stuff so guess what I found my doggie he was over at someone house and I thought thier for a long time something bad had happend to him but nothing was I gave him a little spankin and then I went back into my room I was so worried about him well last night when steven got home we made 2 different candles frist we made a gel candle homemade to be a fact and then a molded candle I love making candles I am going to start my own buisness up right. Anyways they turned out to be beautiful I love them. Well anways this morning I got up and got me a sausage biscuts and heated it up and ate it and then I walked my doggie outside so he could use the bathroom and do his buisness and then I brought him back in cause with me being pregant I dont like to be outside in the heat and it was just so humid and hot so anyways did all that also today steven and me were sleeping and the alarm went off at like 12.15pm this afternoon and we didnt get up till 2 oclock it was really nice. I am just really tired these days you know. Also he took me really quick up to Buger King and got me something to eat. And then we came home and I ate and Steven left for work. And then I finshed eatting and got Bandit outside granny and mother went grocery shopping. Then when I was on the computer it started pouring rain and all this other shit.Lighting and thundering and all this loud booming. The power was knocked off for about an hour they got home and unload the grocerys and now here I am just sitting here writing in my journel I felt the baby kick also today. My sweet precious baby. aww well let me let you go I will talk to you all laterzz okay take care bye bye Huggs Crystal P.S. Kat Roberts is my best friend:)

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 12:25 PM
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Sunday, 3 August 2003
Hello everyone!! How is everyone doing today? Ia m doing pretty good here just chilling and relaxing. Sitting here talking and email peoples so let me see what have I been doing the past two days that I can tell about in here? Well let me see here on Friday what all went down at my house. Well me and Steven got up and went to town to cash his check it was 427.00 whooo moeny moeny time. He then went and got me something to eat pheww. I ate at Arbys I love thier sandwhiches and thier Cheese Kickers yummy! Then my husband went to Sonic and got him 2 extra long chesse connie and some chesse sticks and a peach shake he said it was delcious. Then we went back to the house and commience to eatting all this delicious food yummy! Well then I went into the bed room and sat on the bed looking at the nasty ass room within a little bit my husband had to go to work so I gave him some sugar and we said our see you laters and then he went to work. Well after that then I basically washed the rest of the clothes and cleaned up the room took a lovely hot delcious bath and got all cleaned up cooked me some beef rice and a little potato And ate that. And then my grandmother cut me up some necterines and I had ate them with a little sugar on them it was good also but as I was sitting on ther computer making my webpage I got a little sick feeling and I went into the bathroom and threw up ewww. And then I was feeling really sick. Well Steven got home at like 1:30am that morning. He got on the computer and played his game and got up and went to bed. Saturday Well on Saturday I got up and got ready Steven took at bath and then we went out to eat a Pizza Hut we got a large pizza with one side superme and the other double pepporino and got some breadsticks it was delcious. Then we went on to the walmart and went layway shopping I got me alot of stuff I got a new bedding set and new pillows and a new outfit and some socks and underwear cause I am pregant and ant nothing far as the belly getting small.Then we put everything on layway. And put some moeny down on it and then we went and got a bag of dog food and a flee and tick coller and a notebook for me and a scrapbook for me :) And then we went and checked out he has also bought me a large body pillow to use. We also had the oil checked in the car and it was good to go so that was a good sign everything was okay. We came home and got everything out and started crotchet and then I got tired and wanted to lay down well then I went with grandmother to buy grocerys and then we came back unload them and then ate me a lunchable and then stayed up with Steven till about 2 oclock in the morning.Then I went on to bed:). Well today is Sunday and let me see here well I got up at like 7 oclock and then I got me something to drink and got on the computer now just got done eatting 2 slices of pizza and talking bullshit so that is aobut it for now Steven is sleeping and were going to get a candle kit and a soap kit and going to make them and sell them well that is all write more later byeeeeeeee Huggs Crystal Bailey

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 5:07 AM
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Thursday, 31 July 2003

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 3:50 PM
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Hello everyone!! Well let me see were do I want to being let me see here well I got up at like 7 oclock and got up and went outside and got me a sasusage biscut you know them kind that are in the indivuail packets well I heated me one of them and ate it with some apple juice and then I took my vitaims I love my vitaims cause unlike alot of other pregant women I cant take the regular prenatal vitaims so I can take pooh bear vitaims so they taste better and they go down easy and they don't make me sick so I am happy about that. Well I helped my grandmother with the corn cutting to add into the vegtable soup. She was in thier this morning cooking that up it was so yummy smelling umm umm good. Well I sat down and talked for a little bit and then I went into my bedroom and went back to bed with Steven. The alarm clock went off right at 10:30am and I told Steven after the clock went off it was night nite time again so we went back to sleep and woke up at like 12:45pm and we got up and ate some soup and talked a little cause my husband has to leave and go to work so damn early cause we live a good while away from were he works at so that is why. Anyways I fixed him another plate of soup to take to work and then I went back into my room and talked a little more gave huggs and kisses and told each other we loved each other and said see u later on tonight and then he left. :(( I hate it when he does I just wish I was rich and he didn't have to go to work but that is okay. Cause I love him and I support him working and me staying home being pregant. But anyways I was on the computer and then I got off the computer and laid down for a little bit and went to sleep got up and went into the kitchen now it is about 5:30pm and it was doing a little thundering and lighting we left and went up to my grandmother well on the way up thier it was rainging so hard that it was like someone was up above you pouring the water on you I hate it when that happends. But we got up thier and it was raining some more and lighting and then later on it stopped thank goodness. We talked and they watched Wheel of Fortune and then Who wants to be a millionair and then grandmother and me went up to Miggs which is an Itlians restraunt and order some food and girl it was damn good I loved it and I thanked grandmother for buying me lunch:) Well that is about all I am sitting here looking at some graphics and listing to music and waiting on Steven so I was will talk to you later tomorrow. P.S. Please say a prayer for a safe pregancy for me I would greatly appericate that and also preay for the military family so that thier loved ones come home safely god bless everyone amen!

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 4:16 PM
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Tuesday, 29 July 2003
Hello everyone it is me again well today was a pretty borning day I did the same thing I do every day I get up and eat my sausage biscut and checked my email and then went back to bed but my husband boss man called him and told him to bring his truck keys back down to Frieghtliner cause he need them for the truck they was working on so Steven had to get ready and I had to rush in the Kitchen and fix him some sanwhiches and some beannie winnies and then gave him a kiss and he left:(( Then I came into the room and got on the computer. Threw the day my mother got mad at me again and was hollering and calling me names and telling me she would hit me pregant or not pregant so I really just prayed a minute ago and asked the Lord to forgive her and just let me get on with my life cause life is to short to keep grudges with people and I dont want to hate that just isnt right! Well that is about all emailed my friends and talked to her and now I am just waiting on my husband went up and seen my greatgrandmother and talked with her I am like this blah blah blah all the time so she loves the company and to be 89 she loves about anything it is going to be hard to see her go...I was talking to my grandmother and just listing about god no I am not no chruch freak just belive in god and I know for a fact that he makes miracles happend and he is a great person he is my friend! The only true friend I have but anyways I am going to go here and I will see u all tomorrow goodnight and sleep tight!

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 4:29 PM
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Monday, 28 July 2003
Well today is monday and let me see here what all went on monday. Well I got up and ate me a suasage biscut and then. I got on the computer and was looking up rentals like apartments and shit like that. Well thier was not anything on thier that was worth putting moeny into. I mean I can't see in spending 6 hundred to 1 thousand dollars on something that is never going to be yours that is just fucked up. So I sat the alarm clock for my sweeite and then I went into the living to talk to granny and then rewinded some videos and then put a load of clothes of into the washing machine. Then I was wanting my husband to get up so he could call the wanted adds that we had but that didnt work out so He finally woked up at 12 oclock and got himself togather and got ready for work I itmeddily got up and got his chicken pot pie in the oven for him and got me a chicken pasta dinner in the microwave and mine finshed before his we called a couple of place but nothing that he wanted to get into cause he is just like me not wasnt to spend nothing to much on something that is never going to be mine. Anyways we ate and I was sad cause we didn't find anything but better luck next time so went and got all of his lunch togather and my damn brother had already been in my sweeties tea. And needless to say he was pissed little asshole drinking someone else tea without asking urghhh:( Anyways we checked the mail but she had not come yet. So I kissed my(sweetie) and then he left for work. I came back in the house and then the damn mail woman came damn Anyways I came in and opened all the mail that was mine. And then went back into my bedroom. I got all my clothes washed and got my room cleaned and got all the movies rewinded and got all the clothes folded up and put away. But anyways I cooked supper it was mac and chesse and ranch chicken and corn on the cob yummy I ate me a little bit and fixed my (sweetie) a plate and put it in the Microwave so that when he got home he could warm it up well that is all I am going to go now have a good night and god bless our men and women overseas! We pray for a safe return and a good homecoming we love you!!! Huggs Crystal Bailey

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 2:26 PM
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
Well hello everyone how is everyone doing on this fine Sunday afternoon. Well I got up at 6 oclock this morning and got me a sausage bisuct and ate it while I checked my mail. It was really nice cause mother was in thier being her dumb ass and I was in here being my sweet affection self anways got off the computer and turned on the t.v. to watch the Berstein Bears. And went back to sleep at like 9 oclock and didnt wake up till 3 oclock. Me and Steven got up and then we went to town Steven got him some ciggs and then we went to get us something to eat.Then we came back and been looking for a place to stay well that is all for now write back soon.

Posted by blog/sweetheart29108 at 11:18 AM
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