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Students For Peace Ann Arbor Pioneer High School

Hello! And welcome to the web site for Pioneer High School’s Students For Peace organization. We meet Wednesdays during lunch in Portable E.

What is Students For Peace, you ask? We are a group of students from all backgrounds who have united through school to spread a message of peace. We won't shove our views down your throats, and we certainly aren't out to offend anyone. We just want our beliefs to be shared and to get the facts out there.

If you would like to get in touch with us to share any information, request to be added to our mailing list, or have any questions at all, you can come to our weekly meetings or contact: Thank You for your support of our cause.

"An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind" ~Mahatma Gandhi~

Peace be with you, --Pioneer High School's Students For Peace--

REMEMBER: This war isn't over! Though the Iraqi government is out of power, and Saddam Hussien is presumed (not confirmed) dead, the U.S. military occupation in Baghdad and surrounding areas continues. There is chatter going around about going for Syria or North Korea next. This isn't the end, it's only the beginning. We must keep heart and protest until the end is actually here.

"You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." ~John Lennon~

AACAW's 14 reason to oppose the war on Iraq (

  • This war is illegal, as Congress, not the President, must declare war.
  • Many innocent lives are at stake.
  • Iraq's percieved threat is fictional. Iraq has one of the weakest militaries in their region. They are certainly of no real threat to America.
  • This war is hypocrisy. If everyone else has to disarm, why don't we?
  • This war will promote, not prevent, Iraq launching an attack.
  • This war will promote, not prevent, terrorism, and Anti-U.S. sentiment.
  • This war will promote, not prevent the diseases of germ warfare.
  • The inspections were working. They were successful in discovering/destroying some of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and had they contined, we could have solved everything peacefully.
  • This war defeats democracy and peace. All non-violent alternatives were lost on Bush's command.
  • The doctrine of preventative war is a threat to international law and humanity.
  • Reject empire! America is trying to conquer the world. Do we really want a Pax Americana???
  • This war has already cost us our liberties through many things including the following: talk of reinstating the draft, the Patriot Act, the National Security Act, the jailing of Arab Americans without trial, the absurd security policies at airports, the Dept. of Homeland Security.
  • There are better solutions to our energy problems! Read up on alternative energy sources.
  • The war has most definitley allowed racism and bigotry to rear their ugly heads once again.

Peaceable Linkdom

Support the Anti-War Movement! Purchase Peace Pins!
Ann Arbor Area Committee for Peace
World Healing Peace Circle~Ann Arbor
Students 4 Peace at the University of Michigan
United For Peace: Events
Peace Incorporated
International ANSWER
United for Peace and Justice
Celebs Speak Out Against War on Iraq
Pursue Peace Clothing...
Pretzels For Peace
Books Not Bombs
Peace Rally Signs
