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Short Health Survey

This short survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. None of the information provided by you will ever, in any way, be correlated with your actual identity. No one knows who you are and no one is trying to kill you. The data from this form will be used as the basis for an undergraduate research paper that is designed to help better understand the effects of sleep and illness on academic performance. By completing this survey, you are performing an outstanding service to your fellow man! Future generations of students depend on you, so please make your entries as honest and accurate as possible, and please, only submit one completed survey per person.

Basic Information


If other please specify: 


Major(s) Studied

Cumulative GPA

Sleeping Patterns

Since your enrollment in college, about how many hours of sleep do you get per night during the academic year?

Do you typcially make up for sleep lost during the week on the weekends?

How many times do you wake from sleep during a typcial night?

Have you ever been diagnosed with a chronic sleeping disorder? (ex: insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy)

If yes, please specify:


Since your enrollment in college, about how many times in an academic year do you experience cold, flu, or other symptoms of illness?

Additional Comments:

How many times per term do you typically miss class?

Roughly how many of those absences are due to illness?

Diet and Activity Patterns

Do you excercise regularly? (At least three times a week for at least 20 minutes per session)


On average, how many caffeinated beverages do you consume on a daily basis?

On average, how many alcoholic beverages do you consume per week?

Do you use illicit substances?

Which do you use?





Other Please specify:

And how frequently do you use them?

Medical Background

Do you recieve an annual flu vaccine?

Do you have an immune-compromising medical condition, or are you taking medications that impair your immune system? (steroids, immunosuppressive drugs, chemotherapy drugs)

If yes, please explain:

Yay, all done!!!! Now that wasn't soo bad, was it? My sincerest thanks for your participation!