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In The Life of The Star Of Flame
Tuesday, 23 May 2006
Mood:  happy
So I guess this is my first blog, huh?
I am The Star Of Flame, I live on Jupiter and yes, I do have internet and cable.
I have two sisters, The Water Of Wisdom and The Wind Of Artwork. The Water Of Wisdom lives on, what seems to be, Neptune. The Wind Of Artwork lives on Saturn. My cat, Vat Of Curiousity(aka, Bobby, in case thats too much of a mouthful) is a long-haired female cat who loves to investigate. My Mom and Dad,(Bert and Sandra) live here with me on Jupiter.

So far, today was nice and content, I got up, brushed my hair, packed my backpack and left for school. Then I came home, watched the hockey game(another thing we still have and love on Jupiter) And then went on my compy and wrote this!

Oh, there goes my blue squiggle blop beeper! I gotta jet, See Ya!

Posted by blog/starofflame at 8:13 PM PDT
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Thursday, 25 May 2006 - 11:33 AM PDT

Name: Fat Pooch
Home Page:

Hi Dia -

Nice to see you bloggin'. How's Jupiter? Say Hi to Sandra for me ... ;)

Love - Your Fat Pooch

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