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TERRIBLE You know, I've come to the realization that I hate retarded people, cancer patients, aids patients, midgets, handicapped people, and the pope. Normally, i don't have a problem with retards. It's just that there are 2 kinds of retards: happy, carefree retards, and angry retards. Happy, carefree retards flop around in hockey helmets so they don't bash their heads in and don't know what the fuck is going on. I mean c'mon, they're fucking retarded. But angry retards know exactly what's going on and are pissed about EVERYTHING... FUCK! I got hit in the balls by one of those retards. He was a parapalegic. I pushed him right out of that fucking wheelchair down the nearest hill I could find. It wasn't an accident asshole, I saw the malicious intent in that drooling distorted face. Don't like them cancer and AIDS patients either. They think they got something to bitch about! With their pale skin and shaved heads. Fuckin make some T-Cells will ya? And midgets and handicapped people. Always bitching about something. Give us Jobs! Give us equality! Then the midgets go back to their fucking midget colonies and live like the animals they are. And the handicapped with their stupid ass handicapped parking spaces. Give you equality? Fuck you! You go to any parking lot and you get a special blue space reserved for you? That doesn't sound equal to me. Don't feel sorry for those assholes. Handicap ramps? Fuck, I know someone who can do wheelies in their wheelchair. Just wheelie up those fucking steps. It's simple. and if you can't do one, you don't deserve to be up there in the first place. Jesus. Speaking of which, the POPE! Does that motherfucker have to die before we get a new one? What a senile old bastard. Cruising in his popemobile in his diapers. One of the most powerful people on earth, owning so much of the real estate on this planet, you ask him about his world views? He moans and groans and shits his Depends. What an asshole. way to be really helpful to the human race. You don't even speak an existing language anymore! Latin's been dead for 1000 years! Just like when you should have died, ya old fuck.