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Sparkle's Blog
Tuesday, 2 March 2004

Wow!! I actually passed the test that I thought I failed!!! I got a B!!!! I'm so happy!!!! Mountain Dew is the best kind of pop in the world. This week is sucking though with all the work I have to make-up before my trip.


Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 9:55 PM CST
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Saturday, 28 February 2004

I would like to point out my retardness in the below post where I made a happy face when I was talking about how my grade will be lowered. The face should be :( not :).

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 2:40 PM CST
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Well, well, didn't get much sleep last night. Friday was an uneventful day. I didn't do anything fun. I just pretty much sat around. Damn I need my own car!! Today is Saturday and I thought it was Sunday when I first woke up. It feels so much like a Sunday today. I did some taebo this morning. It's really fun to do. I have homework to do which sucks. We've been watching some retarded movie in English and I don't have a clue as to what is going on. So I think I need someone to fill me in on what the point of the movie is and what's going on. By the way it's one of Shakespeare's plays so it should be understood that it doesn't make any sense to me at all. I will be missing more school (a whole two days!!!) coming up. That means more make-up work to do. I feel like I'm falling behind in some classes. I know I'm really not because I do have straight A's. I'm going to have to work hard to keep my A in English. My grade is currently a 94.3, but that could easily change because we haven't had many grades yet. I also forgot to turn in a 10 point assignment before I left on Thursday. So that will be late and lower my grade. :) Life sucks sometimes. Well this is probably the longest post I have ever written. I just want high school to end, and have a very, very, very long summer vacation before I start college next fall. I'm sick of the retarded teaches, stupid projects, and all the other crap I have to do. Well, I'm gonna go now. Bye


Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 2:37 PM CST
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Tuesday, 24 February 2004
The Eyes Are The Windows of the Soul!
^ The above title was found on a dixie cup^.In my last post I spelled right wrong, sometimes I'm retarded. I'm eating raisins now and drinking a big glass of water. Raisins are very good!! :) I need to get my make-up work done for the day I'm going to be gone. No school on Friday!!!!! Party Time!!!!! Graduation is going to be here before I know it. I'm looking forward to it, but yet I'm not.

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 8:53 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 February 2004 8:55 PM CST
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Saturday, 21 February 2004

I haven't updated for about two weeks so I better write something. Well I don't have much to say. I'm just really worried about a test I had yesterday. It was all essay and I didn't have enough time to finish it. It was worth 100 points too. I had to leave write away after school so I couldn't stay and finish it. I'll be surprised if I get any grade higher than an F.

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 10:33 AM CST
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Saturday, 7 February 2004

I feel better now. Yesterday was just a really crappy day for me. Whatever. I'm going to a concert tonight and it shall be fun!!! :) Oh, now I'm going to go attempt to somewhat clean/straighten up my room.

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 12:30 PM CST
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Friday, 6 February 2004

Why do I always have to feel like I'm left out in life??? It sucks. It's like nobody even knows that I exist. I realize that I'm not the most outgoing person in the world, but still why does everyone seem to hate me??? Am I a terrible person or what??? Everyone always forgets about me and I hate it!!! I seem to be invisible to so many people!!!

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 5:21 PM CST
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Tuesday, 3 February 2004

Well, well It's Tuesday. Only three more days of school left this week!!! Then it's fun, fun, fun on the weekend!!! Oh that essay I started it at 10:45 p.m.on Sunday night and finished it by 12, so it's all good. Shit in about an hour and a half I have to be back at school again for the bball game.

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 5:17 PM CST
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Sunday, 1 February 2004

I haven't even started that essay yet! Crap!!! Well it's not 10:00 yet I guess. It's only 6:20, I better get to it now before it's to late.

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 6:20 PM CST
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Honey Nut Cheerios are good. That's all I got.

Posted by blog/sparkle04 at 9:40 AM CST
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