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Hi! I'm Katie, aged 24, and this is my personal site :) I was hoping to get a domain name for this site, but I can't afford one yet (long term unemployment sucks!) so I decided to put it on Angelfire because they're my favourite free webspace provider!

As you can see from my layout, I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and especially Willow - hence the site title - she told Angel that she was "so the net girl" in Lie To Me (Season 2 Episode 7).

I have a lot in common with Willow - we both have red hair, we're both bisexual, and we're both witches.

Yes, that's right - I don't buy the whole "Hello, gay now!" thing that Willow has going. (sorry Joss, sorry Tara - RIP - fans). I don't believe that you can be in love with guys one week, and decide that you don't find them attractive any more the next.

Oh yeah, and I'm a witch too. I first heard about paganism through watching Buffy when I was at university, got interested in it, found some websites - much like Willow! - then found out one of my friends was into it as well. I spend a lot of time in the FullMoonParadise chatroom on MSN, and I've learnt a lot of things, and found a lot of good friends there.