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Webmistress: Lene Marie
Since: August 10th, 2003
Name: Bottled Emotions
Type: Personal site

..The Girl..
Lene Marie. Female. Aries. 24. Birth:April:Days. Norway. Dark blond hair. Green/blue eyes. Working girl. Nice. Funny. Electric Guitar. Music. Katzenjammer. Kings of Leon. Cardmaking. Internet. Shopping.

: "It's a poor sheep that cannot carry it’s own wool."

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..The Right Now..
Date: October 29th
Time: 21.42 pm
Music: ---
Drinking: ---
Eating: ---
Wearing: clothes :p
Last thing I've done:Shopping :)

..Link Me..


Beautiful Mistake
Digital Dreams

If you want to be an affiliate just mail me or sign the guestbook.


Underneath, I cry
Angels have PMS too
be open minded : not ignorant




Thursday, October 29th 2009

Mood: Content
Song: ---

Hi. I'm still alive :)

Lene Marie @ 21.42 pm


Layout made by me: Lene Marie
Anastacia picture from: Teemix
Brushes I've used are from: Kenekila.Net