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Janika Paguio//Magnet Computers 7th//Period 6

My animation is called “My Name is Pineapple.” I created it using POV-Ray. The first step was to select a template, I selected “Text Fonts.” Then I had to figure out what certain numbers did under the different catagories. Some numbers would change angles, some would change the color, and some would change the way the words moved. I changed the background colors and the color of the font. After, I decided to move the words around for my animation. I began changing the numbers and saving each time I changed something. I saved the files as Janika010, Janika020, etc. After I had all my files saved, I went to Gif Builder. Then, I opened the documents folder and dragged all of my files to the frames window of Gif Builder. I changed the colors to Best Palette, and changed the loop to forever. Then I played my animation. Once I was satisfied with my animation, I saved it. Then I opened up Adobe Photoshop. I opened my pict file and saved it. I added text to the picture and edited the colors. My next step was to open AppleWorks6 and open word processing. I began writing about how I created my animation. I wrote about all the steps it took for me to create my animation. Then I saved my AppleWorks file as 06jpwp.html. After, I opened up BBEdit and opened my html file. I adjusted the text to fit the page by going to Hard Wrap. Then I changed the colors. My next step was to open up all of my other image files. Then I previewed it in Internet Explorer. After working with animations, I learned that it takes a lot of hard work and skill to complete an animation. I also learned that animations take a good deal of time and effort.

"My Name is Pineapple"