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Welcome To SixAxiS Fractals.

This is a simple series of webpages to display my most recent "fractal mining" efforts. There are also downloadable spot files, a textures page for those of you who work with 3D enviroments and links to all the resources I use to create the images and pages you see here.

I am using a new editor, and am not yet fully up to speed on it. So if I write that you can click on an image or link and "X" will happen, there is an outside chance that "Y" may happen instead. This is by no means intentional, and I guarantee the links and targets are not redirects, autoloaders, or viral in nature. I am a firm beliver in a safe and responsible internet. If you find anything suspicious on this site, or it's links/downloads please contact SIXAXIS immediately.

Let's get it on!

You are being tracked..No biggie.