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Flash Vids




This is SirisJNK, the site about whatever I feel like typing about, but I'll try to supply you with info you would want to read.

10 de diciembre

Time is 5:42pm

AAAhhhh. I'm tired. nothing new today because I have been working on understanding Javascript.I need to spice up this site somehow. So I going back to work on that, and as soon as I find someone to do Flash work than there will be more of that. G2G.

8 de diciembre

Time is 4:28pm

OK, I going to learn a little Flash programming so this site will have something cool. I put up the page with only one very poor Flash animation, but at lest I can say I made it. So take a look at it in the flash vids section. I will be working on some more or maby I'll find someone to make the flash vids for me at no charge. Oh Well, Voy a afuera!

7 de diciembre

Time is 4:23pm

YEA! I put up a little download page and little it shall remain becaues I only have 20mb server space. The video is my famous triple kick. Anyway just for the record the reason why it takes a long time for me to put something new up is becaues I hand-type ALL the HTML for my pages. I used notepad to make this site.

6 de diciembre

Time is 7:20pm

Que Onda?

I'm very surprise how I can update this site daily. NOW... that I'm on the web, typing has a meaning to it.( Dec.4 and Dec.5 This site wasn't up.) I felt like I was typing to myself. Anyway I have completed a brand spankin new home page. The last one,which you never saw just sucked. oh well. Hasta MaNana!

5 de diciembre

Time is 5:55pm

Well I guess I'm doing a good job with this site. So far I added a little FAQs(took it off) section but not alot. I have been havivg alot of fun and plan to keep adding on. I really need to get better at this HTML stuff, but this isn't really what I want to do when I grow up but yea I'm having fun. Most importantly I don't feel like I'm wasting my life away playing a game or something.

I would like to see if anybody ever saw this site so wright me a letter at my email.Yo se espanol.

All picture are trademake of thier owner