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Silkwood Designs would like to introduce Linkware Graphic Sets designed with  Outlaw by Design, Jecajo, SmnLikDat, Petra's PhotoImpactDesigns, Vamp's and Workshop Designs Poser Tubes to mention only a few.
Please read our Terms Of Use and respect our copyrights at the bottom.
Thank you for visting and enjoy your stay.

Silkwood Designs Linkware Graphic Sets



My terms are simple

1.) The custom designed logo that is made for each set must be placed on the page where the page is used and every page that is used and linked back to:  Silkwood Designs   http://www.silkwooddesigns.net  That's why it is called linkware. 

2.) You do not need to use all of the set but they can not be mixed and matched with other graphics or other sets. They are not to be used in conjunction with someone else's graphics.  They can not be altered in any way unless specified. DO NOT RESIZE or change graphics in any way. (this includes but is not limited to copying and pasting any part of my images into your own creations)are strictly forbidden. Do not stretch, resize, recolor, bend, fold or alter in any way, shape or form. My creations are to be used as is. If you do require alterations of any kind, please contact me first for permission.  

3.) My graphics are for personal use only and may not be used in any graphic or artwork collections, using them in combination with other graphics and graphic sets, downloads or claiming them as your own. This includes newsgroups or online greeting cards or email stationery. Only the stationery can be used for stationery.  All images are digitally watermarked. Please respect my copyright.

4.) DO NOT LINK DIRECTLY TO THESE GRAPHICS!  Download these graphics to your own hard drive.  Then upload them to your own server.  Never link directly to my graphics.  This is called bandwidth stealing. It is against the law. You may right click on the graphics and save them to your own hard drive.

For information on purchasing a set and having exclusive rights to a set or to have a unique page designed for you please visit the  Silkwood Design page.  


The songs on this site are copyrighted by the respective artist and are placed here for evaluation and entertainment purposes only. No profits are made on this site from their use. Please support these artists and purchase their music.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work on this site is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed an interest in receiving for non-profit research and educational or criticism purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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©Silkwood Designs 2006