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Words of Wisdom

A Quiet Refuge To Sit Down and Enjoy

Hello and welcome to my site...or at least the beginning. I am only sorry that it is under such sad circumstances that such brilliant people and companions have to meet.

Its over three months ago now that I had my miscarriage, and nothing is getting any easier. I recently came across several message boards dedicated to the tragic topic of miscarriage and I wish I had found these earlier. It has made me realise there are others out there suffering and wanting to talk.

I want to compile a site where people can come read what others have felt, see how they have dealt with their situations, and maybe draw some sanity from the familiar feelings of others.

Not just for miscarriage stories, but everything and anything, tragedies, success, against all odds. If anyone would like to write their story, a couple of sentences or an entire novel, please get in touch. I am also hoping to build dedication pages and poetry.

So please...lets help each other the best we can.

Over the coming weeks I shall be gathering your stories and working on the site, to get in touch with me please click here