The Shultia Archives

Not ever thing is as it seems to be. We have been at war for 2000 years.The enemy is not any on Nation or even a group of people.

So who is this enemy of ours. He came like a theaff in the night. His followers have all but killed every thing about us. We have been forced into hidding, or killed by his followers sword.

Our families have been Raped, Beated, and Killed all in his name. And if we still refewsed to convert. They would burn our homes, and take our lives. We know that this Pluag on our people would spreed, because that is what evil dose. So rather then convert, and join in this Army of Darkness, we went to church in the day light, and Worshiped our way under the safty of the darkness.

But our people had forgoten the roots, and alot of us have gotten lost in the Religion of Man. This site is to reeducate our fallen brothers and sisters about the Old Religion. But only a choisen few well be aloud to learn. If you feel that you are worthy then contact us.

The worlds young people have been falling into a void they are looking for something to believe in but they have no guidance. It is good to see that they have turned thier back on the church, but they are trying to teach them selves about a religion that is in most cases there birth right with no understanding of the path. If this is you contact us, or sign our Guest Book, to get the pass word Emailed to you.

We need to put our mother before our self. If we are to hold on to any of what our Mother Earth has given to all of us. We are proud to suport Green Peace in thier fight.

To help us suport Green Peace and other Naturalist Groups, we do take donations. A small part of your donation will go to help us keep this site going. Our deduction is only 5% of our donation.

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