Question Answer

  • Question: I have a Sheltie and he is 18 inches tall. Is this normal ?

    Answer: The normal height of a Sheltie is 13" to 16" according to AKC standards for confirmation show and or if the dog is to be used for breeding. Sometimes Shelties may go outside this size range. These dogs still can make excellent family pets and can be shown in AKC obedience and agility shows along with many other events.

  • Question: The local pet store has some Shelties but I am not sure if I should buy from them. Is it ok to buy from a pet store?

    Answer: In most cases I would say no! A large majority of the dogs in a pet store are bought in less-then-ideal conditions. In fact many are from 'puppy mills' that give little concern to the quality of there breeding stock or the dogs they produce. Most organizations and clubs ban any reputable breeder from selling to pet stores. It is therefore very difficult to know what you are getting from a pet store. You should look for a reputable breeder who will answer your questions and help you in the proper selection of the right dog for your needs.

  • Question: I was told that a female makes the best pet. Is this correct?

    Answer:This is a hard one to answer as some people will most likely disagree with me on this! Personally I find that in most cases a male makes a better family pet. A male does not shed as much. A male will generally carry a longer, fuller, flowing coat. A male generally is less temperamental then a female (as are most females!). Most of the other concerns that people have about gender are usually resolved for both the male and the female once they are fixed.

  • Question: When should I have my pet quality dog neutered or spay?

    Answer: Most veterinarians suggest that they be spay or neutered before they reach puberty. Normally this would be in 6 to 8 months range for most Shelties.

  • Question: I am considering getting a Sheltie but am concerned about shedding of long hair and think it would be better to get a short hair dog as they shed less?

    Answer: This is simply not true for most breeds! In fact most long hair dogs shed less then short hair dogs. It's true that it's easer to see long hair then short hair after it's been shed. Long hair is also easier to clean than short hair as short hair weaves into cloth and is hard to remove.

  • Question: Should I clip or shave most of the hair of my Sheltie to keep cool in the summer?

    Answer: Absolutely Not! You should not remove large amounts of hair from a Sheltie. These breeds carry 2 coats . The inner coat is used to keep them warm in the winter and the outer coat is used to protect their skin from the sun. In the summer time the inner coat is shed, leaving only the outer coat which helps to insulate them from the heat and protect their skin from the sun.

  • Question: My friend has a Sheltie he just runs around and barks all day! Are they all like this?

    Answer: NO! Their are two primary reasons for this type of behavior. The first is the dog lacks training and discipline. The second is more common and has to do with poor breeding. It is becoming far too common for breeders to breed only to achieve show dog quality (aesthetics) and not put enough emphasis on the temperament of the dogs (which is just as important). You can also find this in well-breed dogs occasionally. The better breeders care about the overall quality of the breed will try to avoid breeding that is known for this type of temperament. In fact I have scraped entire blood lines that have produced these types of dog.

  • Question: Do Shelties make good family dogs?

    Answer: Shelties make excellent family dogs! Shelties can be exceptionally loyal, devoted and protective of the family that owns him or her. In fact Shelties are so devoted and people-oriented that, for their well-being, they need as much attention as any other member of your family. You should accept that bringing a Sheltie in your home is not much different then bringing home a new child. Both need love and attention - and both bring you great joy.