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Hello there! The person you are looking at...her name is Carena and she is currently 12 years of age. She arrived to the planet Earth on June 11. She is Cantonese and Canadian. Living in Toronto, Ontario, she attends a middle school named Henry Kelsey. She loves to listen to all sorts of music, rock/hard rock most of the time. She loooooooooves candy, especially sour candy. She hates homework, reading, people who boss other people around, people who kill animals for sport, people who brag and think they're all that..and that's mainly it. ^.^;

feeling : The current mood of at
listening to : nothing
chatting with : Jas
eating : nothing
drinking : nothing
reading : Romeo and Juliet - Wlliam Shakespeare
Maura's Angel - Lynne Reid Banks
loving : ___________

punch me

msn/email :
neopets : benji_p00
icq : 172769527
aimSN : benjif1ed



Oooh! It's my computer! =)

site info
Webmistress : Carena
Name : Serenity
Hosted by : Coco
Type of site : blogging
Started : January 2 2004

Version : 4
Title : I saw an angel's wings on your back...
Creator : Carena
Character : anime girls
Main colours : a peachy colour and white
Text : Tw Cen MT Condensed
Best view : resolution : 1024x768 - press F11
past layouts


February 2004

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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plug in

plug out
Amanda Andrea Ashley Chenly Coco Donna Esther Flora Jas Jennifer Julia Jun Keith Lissa Michelle Mike Molika Natasha Pam Sarah Shirley Stella Steph

Hosted by : Coco
Photos/Pictures : Boyis
Graphic Making Programs/Software : PSP 8, Microsoft Paint
HTML Editor : Notepad

Serenity's Special Welcome
A warm welcome to you from Serenity. Thanks for stopping by and hope for you to come back again some day. Leaving a comment would be thoughtful and very kind, not that I want you to. ^-^ You would be thanked and be linked as well. I may leave a little nice note back on your site. Link exchange is available if you wish to. Enough of my talk, enjoy your visit! ~.^

Saturday February 7 2004
New layout! =)
<3ing the Commentors : Mike, Stella, Jas, Jennifer, Molika.

EDIT @ 11:11 p.m So bored right now. I was just watching a Chinese movie on channel 14. So sad.. ='( I ddint really see the first 30 minutes of it because I was showering, but I did manage to see the whole thing from then on. I was actually crying. =P I always cry when something sad happens or when something really meaningful happens. But, I think the movie was called "Happy Go Lucky" or something. Eehhh, short term memory loss. Overall it was good. =) Right now, just being bored and chatting online. Well, I'll blog tomorrow. Night~

*yawn* Lol, yesh. As you can see, new layout! ^-^ Hope you guys like it!... even though it's kind of.. "weird". XP For the people who asked about my Saturday classes : Yes, I have math classes on Saturday and it's such a pain in the butt. But luckily, this week's homework is really easy. On the last week, we learned the wrong lesson, which was surface area II. So, this week, we're learning surface area I. Damn screwed up math school. x[

Today was just plain old boring. Just sat around, reading some books and going online, haha. I might blog later or not. Depends. ;)

Carena yawned @ 4:48 p.m on Saturday February 7 2004 |