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Inside Levy
Tuesday, 20 January 2004
I hate finals with a fervent passion. I had to do review/paper writing w/an upset stomach and I have too much damn pride and too little crappy medicine tolerance to take Pepto Mismol or something. Oh well, get to go home and relax soon. Except not because I need to get my driving shit done today. Wow I am incredibly lazy! haha. Should also go to the grocery store w/Lee later on given we're outta shit I can eat at the house on my new diet and I'm a pig and it's all just loverly. hahaha
I just found out I'm gonna be the only girl who goes on the NYC confirmation trip. 11 of Micah and Co. One of me. OOOOOOOO this shalt prove interesting. w/e we've been on better terms recently so I'm not that worried. Now watch the next time I post I'll feel the complete opposite about our situation lol

Posted by blog/shari at 1:58 PM CST
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Wednesday, 7 January 2004
this week is taking forever
only wednesday. i hate this. i gotta go get stuff for the casino night on saturday and then haul ass back here for h2o polo fun fun! i'm just hoping everything isn't too last-second.
us studies is really boring. i did all the crap at home ergo have been surfing randomly the past hour and a half.
well, more later!

Posted by blog/shari at 1:28 PM CST
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Monday, 5 January 2004
back to school
back to school
back to school
to show my daddy i'm not a fool
i got my lunch bag packed
my boots tied tight
i hope i don't get in a fight
back to school
back to school
back to school...

Well, it's the New Year's. How sentimental, almost. I procrastinated w/my New Year's resolutions, so here goes it:
1) improve grades
2) lose weight
3) get a job
4) learn to trust family, siblings, etc.

Sounds good, eh? Some are the same as last year, which is a little depressing, but screw it for now

Posted by blog/shari at 1:15 PM CST
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Thursday, 18 December 2003

so so so very close to winter break! aargh! supposed to be doing research in us studies because we have an in-school only paper...yeah...that's not happening. I'm one of those firm supporters of doing some of the work at home, ergo lowering stress levels during finals week. whoever thought to do it all at school's retarded.
I'm so tired, despite massive caffeine intake. Want to nap, but can't because I gotta train after school. This should be fun. Oh well, almost friday! :-D

Posted by blog/shari at 1:30 PM CST
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Wednesday, 17 December 2003
Teachers should never let kids loose on computers w/internet in class, especially if they're as incompetent as Madame BR. we're supposed to be doing french review...yeah...done the CD twice, and there's a good 40 minutes left of class. THAT was educational!
Lounge night tonight. I'm just gonna have Jeremy show up and take me, I don't give a rat's ass what my parents say at this point. Should be interesting when (or if!) I come home though! I should be nervous, but right now I'm too angry at them for fear. I mean, the circumstances of my grounding make no sense at all! I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but since when was taking you away from things you're OBLIGED to do a fair punishment? I haven't asked ONCE to go to any program or any meeting that didn't directly NEED me absolutely 100%. I never mentioned the tri-chapter dance, only the board meeting and tonight's program which I"M in charge of! And they won't let me go to any of David's games, as if I'm not even worthy of giving my brother support. God damn! I already know you don't want me as part of your family, but you don't have to make it so obvious! You know what? Fuck it, I"m not gonna let it get to me today. I'm not thinking about it after this. There you go. Peace out :)

Posted by blog/shari at 12:13 PM CST
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Monday, 15 December 2003
aargh! monday
It's monday. Snow's gone. In computer apps, SUCH a waste! Can you THINK of a worse way to start the week!
I'm getting over a sinus infection, which is really icky. I woke up Sunday morning and couldn't breathe through my nose, that was interesting. Oh well, I'm hopin I'll be okay by Wednesday because I gotta plan/run a lounge night that night. Plus, Friday I'm going to see THE URGE AT THE PAGEANT AT 7 YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Then it's winter break/Jeremy's birthday/Ashley's it's all gravy. That's all that's getting me through this week because all my teachers feel since break's coming up they gotta pile a hell's worth of work on us! derre! this blows! 4 more days...4 more days...
I found this on the internet and thought it was funny:
Top 10 Hannukah Songs that never quite caught on:
10) Oy to the world
9) Schlepping through a winter wonderland
8) Havah Negilah, the megamix
7) Bubbie got trampled by a reindeer
6) Enough of those jingle bells already!
5) Matzo Man (performed by the Lower East Side Village People)
4) I have a little dreidel (barking dogs version)
3) Come on, baby, light my menorah
2) Deck the halls w/balls of challah
And the #1 Hannukah Song that never quite caught on...
1) Silent night?...I should only be so fortunate!

*~*Have a great day all!

Posted by blog/shari at 1:57 PM CST
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Friday, 12 December 2003

001) Name: Stephanie Levy
002) Sex: Female
003) Birthday: May 21, 1988
004) Height: 5'4 2/3"
005) Weight: no comment
006) Hair color: brown
007) Eye color: blue
008) Ethnic background: French/Polish/Czech
009) Birthplace: St. Louis
010) Hometown: St. Louis
011) Father's name:Joseph
012) Mother's name: Beth
013) Sibling(s): David, Debbie, Sarah


014) Song: too many!
015) Band/singer: The bands on my 1st CDs still hold true: No Doubt, The Beatles
016) Actor: Chad Michael Murray
017) Actress: I really like Julia Stiles for some reason, also Drew Barrymore
018) Movie:Legally Blonde, Hardball, Streetcar Named Desire, anything Mel Brooks or Monty Python
019) Book: any Harry Potter lol, all John Grisham, Night by Elie Wiesel is depressing but some of the most moving 80 pages I've ever read.
020) Author: J.K. Rowling haha, John Grisham, Elie Wiesel, Tracy Chevalier
021) Clothing brand name: uh...I like Kohl's lol. I don't really pay attention
022) Animal: dolphins
023) Day of the week: Friday
024) Color: Red
025) Food: sushi, especially St. Louis rolls from Oishi sushi, ice cream
026) Class in school: English, Music Tech
027) Store: don't have one
028) City: that I've been to, NYC. That I wish I've been to, Yoquenam-Meggido (I miss u Yael and Ester!)
029) Country:United States, or Israel
030) Vacation spot: Ventnor, NJ
031) Sports: football (the REAL football, thank you!), hockey, swimming
032) Game [as in "board", or otherwise]: chess, chinese checkers, risk, clue
033) Car: Infinity G35, Lexus SC40, Mini Cooper
34) Internet site: Google is taking over the world Maayan! lol
035) Ice cream flavor: Cookie Dough, Mint Chocolate Chip, Cookies and Cream
036) Season: Spring
037) Month: May
038) Holiday: my birthday, Hannukah, Purim
039) Flower: white roses (Micah got it right w/my Homecoming corsage! :-D)
040) Cartoon: Spongebob Squarepants, Kim Possible
041) TV show: American Idol, One Tree Hill, Law and Order
042) Fictional character: dont have one
043) Perfume/cologne: anything that doesn't smell like old lady's perfume
044) Hobby: singing, playing piano, really anything music-related. writing, hanging w/friends, running, swimming
045) Flavor: CHOCOLATE!!!
046) Scent: fresh flowers
047) Quote: i got a ton
048) Word: derre, oye ge-fucking-vault! I actually got a couple


049) Hot or cold: cold
050) Sweet or sour: Sweet.
051) Spicy or bland: Spicy
052) Fast or slow: Fast or slow WHAT???hehe
053) Black or white: Black
054) Is the glass half-full or half-empty: half-full
055) Long or short: please specify
056) More or less: again, specify
057) Soft or hard: soft
058) Rough or smooth: smooth
059) Air, land or sea: sea, if I had to pick
060) Light or dark: light
061) Straight or curly: well, my hair's curly
062) Loud or quiet: loud, we mesh well lol
063) Boys or girls: girls to confide in and have as friends, boys to...;)
064) Fat or thin: thin
065) E-mail or letter: Letter
066) Phone or instant message: phone
067) Day or night: Night
068) Breakfast, lunch or dinner: who cares, I eat cereal any time of the day
069) Past, present or future: future. the past sucked and i need to get out of this present
070) Radio or CD: CD
071) MTV or VH1: MTV, when you're not making fun of it you can actually catch some decent videos. But honestly, MTV2's pretty nifty
072) Brush or comb: brush
073) Slide, see-saw or swings: Swings
074) Doing or watching: doing
075) Mind or body: Mind
076) Consciousness, subconsciousness or unconsciousness:Consciousness
077) Feet or hands: Hands
078) Water or juice: water
079) Ocean or pool: Ocean
080) Treadmill or road: Road
081) Speaker-phone or hand-held: hand held
082) AIM or ICQ: aim
083) Rain or shine: shine, unless it's cool rain that's not too hard. Then you'll find me outside lovin it!
084) Cat or dog: dog
085) Innie or outie: innie
086) Inside or outside: Outside in good weather, inside in bad weather.
087) Up/high or down/low: too slow!
088) Closet or dresser-drawers: closet
089) Bed frame or only mattress: bed frame
090) Silver or gold: Silver!


091) Are you Hetero-/Homo-/Bi-sexual?: heterosexual.
092) Are you in love?: i dunno
093) Are you in a relationship?: nope
094) Are you a virgin?: no
095) Have you gotten your first kiss?: yep
096) Do you have a crush?: yeah
097) Do you enjoy being in love/having a crush?: yeah, unless it winds up hurting, then it just sucks.
098) What form of birth control do you use?: yes, I'm one of those girls that carries condoms.
099) How far have you gone with a "lover"?: sex
100) Would/did you have sex before marriage?: um, oops...
101) Do you believe in hookups (sexual relations without emotion)?: no. if i do something w/someone it's for a reason
102) Have you ever had a hookup?: sorta. i mean, i felt something for the other person, but understood nothing was gonna be permanent. It's called camp my friends
103) Is there a difference between a crush and being in love?: no shit sherlock
104) Do you believe in love at first sight?: maybe
105) Do you believe in true love?: hell yes
106) Can long-distance relationships work?: no
107) Have you ever had a long-distance relationship?: no
108) What of online relationships?: friends only
109) Have you ever been married?: no
110) Have you ever been divorced?:no
111) Have you ever been in love?: Yes.
112) If so, how many times?: once
113) Have you had sex in the past and regretted it?: at the time yes. now my regrets have faded
114) Have you fallen in love in the past and regretted it?: not one bit
115) How old were you when you got your first kiss?:11
116) How old were you when you had sex for the first time?:14
117) Have you ever broken someone's heart?: never intentionally. i really hope not and if i have i feel awful because it's happened to me and it positively blows
118) Have you ever sexually harassed someone? really no
119) Have you ever been sexually harassed yourself?: yes
120) Have you ever been jealous of a friend for their boy/girlfriend?: yes
121) Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's "close" friend(s)?: absolutely
122) Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's ex-?: never really knew most exes
123) Have you ever gotten back together with an ex-?: yes, that went to shit
124) Have you ever gotten together with a friend's ex-? hell no, i'd never do that
125) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?:no!
126) Have you ever been in love with someone so much that you've cried over them?: absolutely
127) What's the most affection you deem appropriate for public?: Holding Hands, hugging, light kissing, nothing open-mouthed, arms around each other but not to the point where there's obvious gropage goin on
128) Have/would you ever see(n) an "X"-rated movie?:no
129) Do you enjoy French-kissing?:yes!!
130) Do you keep a picture of your beloved somewhere?: of a beloved remembered, yes
131) Would you (honestly) sacrifice your life for your beloved?: without a doubt
132) Have/would you ever use whipped cream, hot wax, et cetera, in a sexual act?: wouldn't YOU like to know? ;) hehe
133) What do you look for in a lover (physically)?: good eyes and hands, taller, good skin (no Goldmeir-caliber moles lol), good posture bc it reflects a lot about a guy's personality, oral hygeine (gotta brush those teeth!)
134) What do you look for in love (mentally/emotionally)?: honesty, humor, intelligence, humility, giving but not a doormat, dedication and passion, loves me for me i cannot STAND superficiality
135) Do cherries or strawberries have any sexual meaning for you?: hmmmmmmmmm
136) Have you ever dumped someone?: yes
137) Have you ever been dumped?: yes
138) Have you ever had your heart broken?: hell yes, don't remind me
139) Are you (honestly) afraid of commitment?:no, just afraid it won't be mutual when i find the right person. then i look like an idiot
140) Are you attracted to people with accents?: what kind of accent? Colin Farrell accent, fuck yes!
141) Have you ever done anything sexual in public (making out doesn't count)?: yes, but was discreet (as he would say "hella bold" lol)
142) Do you have a memento from a previous relationship?: yes, only two left
143) Is there a certain smell, sight, sound, or taste that reminds you of a lover?: Yea, lots. 3 song in particular (DMX One Road, Hero from the Spider Man soundtrack, Dilemma by Nelly), the Esquire theater, ice cubes, Duke hats, white Jeeps, strawberry soda


144) Do you enjoy living in your town?:yeah
145) Do you smoke?: not regularly
146) Do you drink?: okay, a little more regularly
147) How often do you shower?: Every day
148) Do people you live with complain about the water bill because of the lengths of your showers?: u have NO idea lol
149) Do you trust others easily?: nope
150) Have you ever lied to a friend?: yes, white lies, and i even regret that. i guilt trip easily
151) Are you trustworthy?: i think so, with select people it's open to interpretation
152) Are you anyone's secret-keeper?: yup
153) Are you a daredevil?: usually
154) Have/would you skydive?:I'd LOVE to!
155) Have/would you bungee jump?: HELL YEAH!
156) Have/would you play "Chicken"?: yea, it hurts like a bitch though when neither of u bail...owww...i won't do that anymore.
157) If granted one wish, what would it be?: ooh, good question. "world peace!" jp jp. i dunno come back to me on that one
158) Do you like to dance?: yeah
159) Which do you prefer -- slow or fast dancing?: fast dancing for stress relief, slow to feel cared for
160) Do you like to swim?: uh, hello! swim team baby!
161) Do you make friends easily?: usually
162) If so, where do you most often make friends?: USY stuff, other friends, some people would say laser tag but u kno what FUCK U jp i love you!
163) Do you color your hair?:did in 7th grade, BAD idea!
164) Do you wear makeup?: yeah, not much
165) Are you a person who lies a lot?: nope...despite what some people would say.
166) What religion do you practice, if any?: judaism
167) Do you like high heels?: I'm short. they're a necessity lol
168) Are you homophobic?: no way
169) Do you like to travel?: love it
170) Granted you are American, have you ever been out of the states?: yuppers! Oh Canada!<-if i ever sing that again shoot me lol
171) Do you own any pets?: 3 dogs (my babies), 3 fish, 2 snails (the maintenance crew, ironically)
Do you have a cell phone/pager?: cell. no pager, i'm not a dealer lol
173) Do you like amusement parks?: most of them
174) If so, what is your favorite park/ride?: roller coasters and anything involving water
175) Do you collect anything?: no
176) Do you enjoy having your picture taken?: depends
177) Do you keep your room/apartment/dorm clean?: in no way shape or form lol
178) Do you get annoyed easily?:by stupid/mean/all of the above people yes. otherwise no
179) Would you consider yourself a depressed person?: depends
180) Have you ever been to a concert?:yeah
181) If so, who/what did you see?:Nelly (ooo interesting night lol), got tickets to the Urge comin' up soon! yay! I gotta go see another concert soon too for music tech, derre
182) Have you ever performed in public?: yes
183) Do you have any piercings?: yep
184) Do you have any tattoos?: jewish, ergo no
185) Do you dream often?: Every night
186) Do you frequently daydream?: welcome to all i do in advanced algebra
187) Do you have a job?: unless you count babysitting
188) What was your first job?: prolly doin shit for my parents and getting like $2
189) Do you have any health problems?: yeah, some
190) Are you a vegetarian?: won't eat pork or shellfish, otherwise no
191) Have you ever been in a crash?: yes, a few days ago actually!
192) Have you ever had a near-death experience?: yes
193) Have you ever won anything?: yeah, nothing that big though
194) Do you play a musical instrument?: piano, a little classical guitar, singing count here?
195) Have you ever had someone close to you die?: yes
196) Have you ever broken a bone?: nope!
197) Have you ever had stitches?:nope!
198) Do you have any scars?: not many
199) Have you ever had major surgery?: no
200) What is your earliest memory?: kinda depressing actually. i got this little wooden bat at my 1st cardinals game for my birthday and we had gone out to chevy's afterwards and i got this big ass sombrero. anyways i was at my runnymede house, i was like 2, and my brother took my bat. i was pissed bc this bat was brand new and nothing short of the shit, so i tried grabbing it from him. my dad saw me do this, took the bat, hit me in the face w/it (i still have the scar by my lower lip if you look carefully), took the sombrero i got a few days before from me. i never saw that hat again until it was getting packed away when we moved to spoede lane.
201) Have you ever gotten in a physical fight?: yes
202) What is your dream job?: journalist or singer/songwriter
203) Do you plan on having kids?: Yes
204) What phrase do you use the most?: i use a lot
205) Have you meet/do you know anyone famous?:yeah. I used to be next door neighbors to former Blues badass Tony Twist! very cool!
206) Do you carry a wallet/purse?: usually both
207) Have you ever baby-sat?: yep
208) In what position do you sleep?: side, knees usually bent, but i toss and turn a lot. sometimes if i have a bad dream, i "fall" in my sleep micah knows what I'm talking about
209) Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else's bed?: yes.
210) Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else?: oh yeah
211) Do you put on a front for anyone?: i try not to
212) Do you cry?: yep
213) Do you have a pen-pal?: sometimes yael ester and i do the snail mail thing
214) If so, how long have you been communicating?: since they left this summer. i miss u!
215) Do you have friends in other parts of the world?: yeah
216) Have you ever gotten in trouble with the police?: 1st time when i was 5, does that say anything? lol
217) Have you ever committed a felony?: Yes
218) Do you believe in fate?: yes
219) Have you ever been skinny-dipping?: yup.
220) Do you believe in yourself?: not usually, i'm sad to say :(
221) What kind of pin-ups do you have on your walls?: not allowed to, my mom's a bitch! I do have a few really cool Israeli paintings though
222) What is the background on your computer screen of?: French chateau (what???)
223) What languages do you know?: English, French, a little Hebrew, 5 phrases in Spanish (hello, goodbye, my name is Stephanie, I want some beer, suck my dick...I can get around lol)
224) Have you ever visited another country?:yep
225) Have you ever needed to call 911?: yea.
226) Do you have a sweet-tooth?: total chocoholic right here
227) What restaurant do you enjoy going to the most?: oishi sushi, chevy's, chinese food (especially on christmas, hello! jewish! lol)
228) Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?: no
229) Do you own a motorcycle, and if so, what kind?: i wish!
230) Have you ever committed a misdemeanor?: more than i can cound
231) Do you consider yourself organized?: fuck no
232) Have you ever fainted?: quite a few times
233) Do you wear a watch?: no
234) Do you wear any jewelry?: yep
235) Did you enjoy climbing trees when you were younger?: yep, still do
236) Have you ever driven through a cornfield?: no
237) Do you have pictures around the frame of your mirror?: a few
238) Has an airline ever lost your luggage?: lost my sister's once, that was hilarious
239) What are you listening to right now?: Lilo and Stich on the kitchen TV
240) What are you eating right now?: drinking high quality h2o lol
241) What are you thinking right now?: uh...i think? jp lol. a lot of stuff actually
242) Do you spend money more than you save?: i try to save a little, spend a little
243) Have you ever read/bought something "just for the articles"?: just for the articles, i swear! lol
245) Do you believe in God, the Devil, heaven or hell?: God and heaven yes. I believe in ya'etzer harah (did i spell that right? prolly not) as sorta the "devil" w/in us. not hell as much i try to have faith in humanity
246) Do you believe in reincarnation?: yes

Posted by blog/shari at 9:37 PM CST
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Crashed the shit minivan yesterday. You can't open the passenger's side door anymore because of the dent. Now I don't know if I can go to the joint chapter dance on Saturday, which blows for 2 reasons:
1) As a board member, I'm kinda OBLIGED to go. Becky already quit her board position, and I don't wanna come off looking like her.
2) Micah's gonna be there. i know it sounds pathetic, especially at this stage, but there's a minute chance we're getting back together. Call me a slut, but we fucked last weekend. Hey, it would've been over 6 months since I had sex if i didn't! I know I can keep him from blowing it off; I have every intention of doing it again. Lordie, I need to stop watching Cruel Intentions hehehe.

I may have a chance w/the hott Italian (aka Alan Moriconi) We'll see! Wish me luck! :)

Posted by blog/shari at 7:57 AM CST
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Sunday, 30 November 2003
back from kinnus
kinnus rocked! It was just a little wierd. I wound up spending a lot more time w/my ex, Micah, than I thought. The way he was acting around was almost as if we were going out again. Like, we actually had a conversation and hugged for the first time in half a year. The one part I don't know if I wanna forget...on the bus ride back, he kissed me. And part of me wants to be happy...but...he's going out w/this girl Kara who i'm cool with thru Maayan. I'm not gonna say anything to anyone, but we need to talk about it bc i feel really guilty and don't know what to do.

Posted by blog/shari at 5:43 PM CST
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Friday, 21 November 2003
well didn't make the musical, but i"m not stressing too much i talked to k about doing tech it's gravy. todays the 1st and only white day i showed up for this week and I'm soooooo fuckin behind!
Drae and I r prolly gona break up. I've been an idiot for sticking around AFTER he cheated on me. Especially after today, I've heard from multiple people he's done this before, contrary to what he's told me of course. Derre. I gotta put my computer away school's almost out. I'll post more on this whole schpiel later

Posted by blog/shari at 2:09 PM CST
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