Site for Blogging

.::+[ why i created this page ]+::.

.::+[ sites i harass everyday ]+::.

angelfire - im bound to by law
yahoo - thats my homepage [weee... bleh]
xanga - im a xanga whore too
angelfire [again] - im suckin up to these folks for more space

thank goodness to lycos/angelfire or else my life would be incomplete... for bloggin and shtuff. ahhh. im just tryin to fill in on this space provided for blabberin. blabber blabber blabber. x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x x0x0x0x. hooray for typin. sooo... boredom.