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Role-Play Number: 1 Current Record: W -0/L -0
Next Match: none
Career Achievements: none

(The scene opens up in an Insane Asylum, as you see nothing but a room. You then see the camera focus on the corner of the room as you see Renegade sitting there, as he starts to speak.)

Where am I? What have I done to deserve this punishment? For is not my faith in Christ the thing that has got me here? Do you persecute me because of the very thing that I have based my salvation on? This "Society" that I live in has said that I don’t fit in anymore, so this is where they put me??? After years and years of preaching the Gospel to this society, I am now alone, friend's that lie in the wall's, and family I see only when they walk past my room and I am looking out my window. The S-U-N might be hid from me, but make no mistake about it, the S-O-N is more alive in me then ever before!

(You then see a door open up as you see Glen Greeney walk in with a bunch of security officer's, as Renegade then looks on puzzled.)

Your coming home Renegade, the contract is working out, and you are getting out of here today!

What is this home that you speak of!? Me going home would be me going to live with the father for eternity, and living in glory forever.

You are coming to UIW, and we will watch over you. I need you right now, and have already got you in a battle royal set up for Monday, I am looking forward to seeing you.

And what if I decline the proposal that has been set before me!?

You sit here for the rest of your life, and do absolutely nothing with the abilities that you have. This could be your last chance Renegade, I want to see you in the ring.

Well I guess I have no choice then do I Mr. Greeney?

Life is full of choices.. Really I don’t care in the long run what you decide. I have found it somewhere deep inside the heart that I didn’t even know I had to give you a chance to get out of this place that has held you captive for over 4 years now, and come back and be a regular member of Societ…

That is where you are wrong Mr. Greeney. I will not be a regular member of society, for I will be set apart from the society that has put me here. The renewing of my mind has already taken place, and I am ready to do my fathers will. I thank you for the invitation, and I will see you Monday.

The Asylum will be watching you very closely, and all it takes for you to get back here is for me to call them and tell them your contract has been terminated, you are mine now, until Death do u s apa…

I will see you Monday Mr. Greeney, but lets make one thing perfectly clear, and that is you will never own me. You will own the name of Renegade, but my soul belongs to the soul-maker. My life belongs to the life changer. My salvation will keep me focused on the cross, and doing the work of God. I shall see you Monday though Mr. Greeney, and I know the conditions that I will be working under, you do not have to remind me!

Well I will see you Monday then Mr. Everett, I am looking forward to it…

Yea, your looking forward to it a lot more then I am, but I will be victorious, and the works of darkness shall not stand where I will shine the light that the world needs.

(Mr. Greeney then starts walking out of the room as the camera guys stay in.)

You think I am a little different because im not apart of the "Society" that is around me??? Here I am, in an asylum, while the rest of the world is rolling in the dough, and working on there temporal things. What good is the temporary, once you decide to focus your eyes on the eternal though? You can say what you want about me, some have called me crazy, and you are right. I am crazy about one thing, and that is giving my life totally to the one who created me, and doing whatever I have to glorify the name of God.

(Renegade then stands up from the place he is sitting and starts talking again)

You consider me chained up? You consider me inside of a little box? You sit back and you watch the very world that my Creator made, and you destroy it. You think you are high and powerful, but you are low, and need the power of God to save you from Eternity in hell. This asylum has taught me many thing's, for one it has taught me that being alone isn’t all that bad.. In the bible the Apostle Paul was by himself, when he was in prison and still proclaiming the name of Christ. The only thing that I have put my trust in You know its funny, me and the Apostle Paul are a lot alike, we both had our lives covered in sin, but then realized the road we were on, and turned to Jesus, and the freedom that was given to us was beyond measure, for it came from high above, higher than any power that can come against us.

(Renegade then grab's onto the bar's onto part of the wall that surrounds him and he starts talking again.)

I never dreamed in a million years that I would be coming back into society, for I have been here for 5 years now. The trials and tribulations that I have suffered have been greater then most, but through my trials and tribulations, I have got to know my creator more and more through the process. The world does its thing, and it lives for the material possessions, you know, Money, Fame, Sex, yea that number. All that stuff will be gone soon enough though, as the second coming of Jesus Christ is approaching, and the prophecy of the New Testament will be complete. The passion that I have to be with Christ is deeper than anything I have ever felt!

(Renegade then punches the wall, as he then starts talking again)

Why cant I be raised up like Elijah!? Why cant I be taken from this earth like Enoch!? Why am I so chained to this world that I cant give you my life God!? Why do these things matter to me, when the only thing that matters for eternity is my treasures that I have stored in Heaven!? Why do I care that Flash has forsaken me!? Why do I care that Harley has turned his back on me!? Why am I the one that is closed up, when I should be set free!!!!

(Renegade then calms down and sits down again, as he then starts talking to the camera.)

You know, I will be set free in just a few minutes. The long awaited return of Renegade is finally coming to the present, as I forget about the past, and do not look into the future. The present is the only thing that I can change now, and the future will be changed by the actions that I take now. Glen Greeney has gotten me out of this place, gave me something that I couldn’t turn down. One more final shot to make it to the big times. To wear that World Title around my waist… That sounds nice for a minute.. But that also is unfulfilling. If I lose every single match that I am put in, but someone is changed because of what I say, and because of what I do, then I have crowns that I can cast at the feet of my Savior, and I can change someone's life forever. The humble heart is what God look's for, and let's face it, there is nothing good about me, for it Christ that liveth in me. I am nothing without Christ, and I am everything with him. My body is dead, and now it is Christ that liveth in me, and that is the reason that I live. The motive I have behind all my action's is to let Christ live in me, and for my work to reflect the live that is worthy of the calling!

(A security officer then walks over to the cell, as he unlocks it and begins talking.

your transportation is ready sir, are you finally ready to get out of here?

I am about to go into a world unknown to me at the present time, how much has it changed over the years?

Oh you are not going to believe how much it has changed. Society has so many different moral values, the standards that have been set before us lack character, its really starting to make me wonder when it all is going to end.

Oh have hope and be of good cheer my friend, for the Lord is watching over us, and he hears your cry. The end is coming, and it will be here fast. The only question that you must answer for yourself is will you be ready for the return of our Savior? When it comes down to the end, will he say Welcome Home, or I do not know you, depart from me? Nothing matters in this world more than that moment right there, when you are standing before Heaven and Hell, and the life that you have lived is finally displayed, and your decisions now will reflect where you are in Eternity. In Glory, or in Fire!

Wow, I never really thought of that. Now we will be watching you very closely, and if you get out of line, you will be coming back to the Asylum, but hey, forget about it, and get ready for your match this Monday night….

Oh yes, my match this Monday Night.. haha, 7 men will be in the same ring as I, with the soul purpose of walking out by themselves. The reason for this match, is of course to prove to the owners that they are worthy to be in a fed of this caliber. That is there reason, mine being is to glorify the very God that gave me the skills to be able to walk around in the ring that brings intensity, and brings passion. Everyone is passionate about something, if you dig deep down inside of your heart, you will find out what it is that drives you. What makes you wake up every single morning, and go through with the routines and rituals that you go through? The Son of God is the reason why I do what I do, for the most he could do was Die for me on the Cross Of Calvary, where his blood was shed. The least I can do is live for him on this earth! This Monday night the anointing on my life I pray will spill out, and it will be infectious, people will look at the lives they live and realize they need the Creator, and they will come with a humble heart, as he draws them closer to him. May the son of God be with me this Monday, or may he strike me down before I go out! (With that Renegade walks out of the room, as the scene then fades to black.) :

" "
