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Xbox Game Reveiws


Game Reveiws

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(-Seths Game Opinions-)

Xbox Reveiws

The elder scrolls 3:Morrowind This has to be one of the greatest games of all time, Let alone Game of the year, which it was awarded! This is a open ended RPG, Meaning you can do whatever you want, Kill anybody, Steal nearly anything, And the ability to roam around and not have to do quests all the time like the basic RPG is simply amazing! Another thing is the musical score, The background music follows events in the game, For example if you are about to fight the music might speed up and if you are just roaming around the music is nice and calm, Definetly the best soundtrack i ever heard on a game. Not only is the game open ended, But it has a great enviorment, With gaurds and townspeople patrolling the towns you will find yourself running alot, Well i did...Regardless, Pick this game up even if your not a fan of the genre! 10/10

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4- The bottom line to this game is, Even if you dont like skateboarding, I gaurantee if u are mildly entertained by any game in this type of sports series, You will love this game! This game has 14 playable characters, And the ability to create your own using Activision's kick ass engine. This game is very easy to get the hang of but there is some things i didnt like, The levels are huge...But i think they need a little more variety. Regardless, Activision has done a great job upgrading from tony hawk 3, With lots of new features, Such as the ability to skitch on automobiles and practice at the half-pipe, For 20 bucks this game is definetly worth owning! 9/10

Medal Of Honor: Frontline- Lets face it, What fan of the FPS series didnt love MOH? Well definetly not me, This game will have you hooked for hours! As you fight through the levels, Using a arsenal of 15 weapons (The sniper rifle kicks ass), You wont be fighting alone, NPC teammates will join in, Some dying, Others surviving the fight the whole way. This makes for a really realistic enviorment. Unfortunately, This game disapointed me, The default control was horrible, Having to use both control sticks is not something im a big fan of, So most people will have to go in and change that. And another thing is that the team behind MOH hasnt done much to change anything about how the game plays. Great game, But too much of the same old thing. 8/10

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic- Ok, The bottom line is everyone has to own this game, Or at least give it a try, Even if your not a fan of Star Wars you will love this game, Well i did! The game is simply gorgeous, With great character models and the ability to be on the dark side or light side based on decisions you make. For example, Early in the game you will find a alien confronted by 2 people who say the alien owes the government money and if he doesnt pay they will kill him, You have two decisions, Kill the guy (Dark Side), Or save the guy and kill the two people bothering him (light side). This makes a great impact on the outcome of the game. You will gain up to 9 party members, Including a droid that can be used to pick locks. Also you will be able to take posession of the Ebon Hawk ship, Letting you travel from planet to planet as you please. There is only one thing i didnt like, The game seemed to short, Well thats probably never stopped playing it! Pick this one up! 10/10

Unreal Championship- Known for being a pc hit, Unreal now hits the Xbox with Unreal Championship. This is game is a must own for any FPS fan, You will find yourself with 3 of your friends playing capture the flag all night! Not only capture the flag, This game has 5 multiplayer modes, Capture the flag, Deathmatch, Bombing run, Domination 2.0, and Survival. Bombing run is a unique game only for Unreal in which you basically play football with guns, The ball can be shot from teammate to teammate, Or intercepted by a opponent if you dont watch your aim. There are 2 goals, One for each team. The goal is to run the bomb through the other teams portal and score. I found this game very amusing. This game has lots to offer with the ability to play a single player campaign type mode, You will be able to pick from several characters (Too many to count) and build a team, And build your way up the ladder to the final match, Which is a survival match where you have to kill all your teammates! Even if you own UT2003 already, I would pick this one up! 9/10 ,