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About Me
Name: Sedi
Age: 14
Birthday: April 30
Signs: Taurus/Snake

Contact Me
AIM: GoinTrulyCrazy

Sedi's Domain
Boy X Boy
Alternate Universe

Stuff. Good Stuff.

my real brother is...Hiei
weird pairing © Quatre and Wufei
C.R.A.Z.Y . B.l.o.g.g.0.r.z

Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Oh look, I'm actually gonna post something here. ^^' Uh, let's see... I'm going to update Alternate Universe soon and put up the Miscellaneous section of my original fiction, then post two one-shots and chapter one of The City of Angels. So far I've only put The City of Angels on EFFN, and I might put it on FPN. I signed up for an account on FDN, but I don't think I'll post anything there because it sorta sucks. -.-

Anyway, The City of Angels is about an angel (who would have guessed?) named Meros. He's one of the guardian angels in Los Angeles who basically pick a person who is prone to bad luck and help them out until they die. Unfortunately, Meros fails to stop a girl he was serving from commiting suicide, and refuses to find someone else to serve. The head angel, Ariel, tells him that he has to find someone in three days or else she'll kick him out into the country to, quothe her, "save pigs from floods". Even though he suspects that he is slowly turning mortal, he finds someone else by accident: a sixteen year old boy, Jasper, who gets into trouble with a gang. So, basically the whole plot is that he gets closer to Jasper, while turning human. Of course it has shounen-ai between Meros and Jasper. ^_^

I'm going to try to get as much of it done as I can before I go to Louisiana sometime within a week. Details on that later. Over the summer I'm going to be working on Psyche, Konpaku, The City of Angels, and some 3-5 chapter stories and one-shots. And at the same time I'll be working on the layout of my worlds, the mythology, and stuff like that. So when I get back from Louisiana, I'll have a lot of stuff to type up and post. But it'll be worth it, I hope. ^_^-

I also need to get more of Sakura's stuff up on her site. She has typed out more of Sacrifice. I want her to finish typing the rest of Prophecy of the Stars so I can read it and not have to worry about it anymore. >_> Thank God her other stories aren't as long as Prophecy of the Stars. You have no idea how long it takes me to put up a measly chapter of something on her site... Egh...

I won't worry my life away. // 3:05 PM

Wednesday, June 04, 2003
I did some of the first pages to Alternate Universe and did the first profile: Mouse from Konpaku. I love the picture I did for his profile. ^_^ I would have done more pictures today, but I just didn't feel like it. >_> There will be more updates on my sites as the day progresses and I feel like getting off my lazy ass. ^_^;;

Eight thousand dollars? That's alot of cheese. // 5:12 PM

I have a blooooooooog! XD After searching through Google to find a good blog site, I just thought: "Oh the hell with it!" and just used Angelfire for it. So here it is! :3 I loooooove the layout! >_> Eee, shouenen-ai goodness... Ignore the Japanese guy and look at the shounen-ai dudes. XD

Anyway, I'll be using this inplace of my updates for my sites, and for regular ranting and rambling. I'm still going to be using my deadjournal, though. Dunno why. *shrugs* Ah well. ^_^'

I'm blue. // 4:40 PM
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