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a whole month... i cant believe anyone still looks at this i swear:P 1. October, I shall find a new job. No more geriatrics squad. I have no clue who will play the part of bunny:( But its allright, I intend to put hotdogs on rollers or something instead of dealing with this stressful ass bullshit everyday. I give up. 2. October, I shall fly for the first time. Yes I am scared shitless, yes, I will probably fly drunk. 3. As it turns out, my family likes rick better than me. Go figger, asshole:P 4. The whirpool trip was great. We split into two groups, but I didnt go with the smiling guy... all enthusiastic and shit about his lapdog job... fuck no, I was sure to go with the fat dude with the scowl. Total field trip time, half an hour. Those other sorry bastards got stuck with positive posse for an hour and a half. Yep, I know how to take a tour;) 5. Jason's box took a WEEK to build... not three hours or so a FUCKING WEEK. Turns out the chipset was bad:P So yeah, dont ask me to do shit for you... none of yous! Well, until next week. 6. Speaking of which, while checking to make sure his HD wasnt bad, I ended up somehow scratching the traces on my board *FROWNS*. Lazy bitch that I am, I just bought a new one. Ok, so his was cooler than mine and I was just a wee bit jealous:( Its ok, i'm back to being superior dorkess;) 7. AND THE BEST NEWS OF ALL, I GET A WEEKEND OFF! THATS RIGHT, TWO WHOLE DAYS IN A ROW! NO CLASS AND NO WORK! Its such a huge event that rick's flying home! aka- dont come over!!!! 8. I bruised a vein in my hand, now how the fuck does one go about acomplishing that?! 9. I despise y intercepts