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081103 - I'm in the best mood now.. ??
I don't even know why I'm feeling so good right now. The best things are the ones worth waiting for, and it truly pays off! I have a week's outfit planned for the first week of school. I don't know which order it will be in though. =( I hope I get to see "Anderson" soon. Lordy, my cousin won't go with me! Haha, oh, well. He's probably too old for me anyways, teehee! Lifeguards are friggin' hot. I wish I owned one. ROFL!! Okay, enough with my craziness. I'll go say my prayers and go to sleep once I take this bleach out. Bleaching your teeth can suck sometimes! =/ Good night, all! <3

Music: None

081003 - Argh, past tense thoughts! =/
I hate it when things don't go my way. Thinking about all that has happened during my 8th grade year reminds me of how selfish I am. How inconsiderate I am. I've been crushing on Aaron for the whole year, practically. Then when it came to the time that he decides to ask me out again, I said no. That time, I already made up my mind that I would stay single till the beginning of summer. Why didn't I go out with him? It gets to me. It's the only thing I have ever regreted. The thought keeps popping out of no where, and I feel terribly bad because I should've said yes. I'm sure he would've treated me right. I'm sure we would still be talking. That's life for you, eh? Full of mistakes and surprises. Well, I hope we see each other and talk this year. He crushed me on my birthday, but I forgave him and still want to talk to him. He's an amazing person. For the first time ever, I want him back to me. Robyn will probably treat him better than I ever could anyways. I wish him the best in life, the best of luck with Robyn, and I hope he knows he's a real gentleman. Well, I'm off to sleep.
God bless! x o x o

Music: "Love Is On The Way" - Celine Dion

Ah, okay, so I'm leaving in like, an hour to go find me that pink, mesh backpack. I'm still debating whether I should wear pink or white on the first day of school. Or maybe, I could just wear both? Hm, I don't know. I have this really cute white handbag from Express, and if I wear all white and carry that along, it would be so adorable. My pink handbag (they're about the same size; kinda big) is clear, and it would even be cuter if I wore white pants and a pink shirt with it. Ahh, I don't know. I love fashion with a passion!! Aww, hehe, don't you just love me?!

Music: None

080803 - HAPPY BiRTHDAY, JC!!
OMG, okay, I went shopping today and bought two really hot and sexy pairs of white pants. Lordy, like, so cute!! I adore them so much! I planned to buy everything of JC's that I saw, but they didn't sell any from A&F, AE, Gap, or Express. =( I still partied for the birthday boy though! Happy 27th, Junior!! Ahah, don't you just love me?! Oh, since I don't eat breakfast or lunch, I bought a pack of the Slim Fast drink and a pack of the Slim Fast get-and-go bar. Amazed, much?

Music: "I Wanna Love You Forever" - Jessica Simpson

080703 - Second Update
Okay, so today, I basically did nothing. Phuong came over, and we watched Crazy/Beautiful. God, I love that movie and a half. It's just so cute, lol. It makes me cry every single time. Aw, I'm such a baby. Yeah, you know you love it!! We were supposed to go to the pool to see that hot lifeguard, but we realized that we're too tan. Yeah, like you can never be too tan, right? WRONG!! ROFL, =X You just never know.. Ten more days till school. Orientation is next Thursday. Should I be excited? I guess so. I still need to finish my summer assignment. Stupid fuckheads. Who the hell assigns summer homework?! Ugh. I'm gonna party for JC Chasez tomorrow. It's his 27th birthday!! Who0t!

Music: "Heaven (Candlelight Remix) - DJ Sammy

080703 - New Blog
Hey, I've been working on this site for a while, and I finally got it to look decent, lol. I'm like, way proud of myself now. I'm like, really stupid when it comes to computers, so I'm very thankful for having my cousin teach me some HTML. Yayee!! Well, I'll update later!! Check back on this site; it will be better!!

Music: "Don't Speak" - No Doubt