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Tuesday, 9 September 2003

New and Improved

... although not noticeably so....

Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Radio 4 political review of the day

Damn angelfire disabled my blog for most of today and half of yesterday. Sorry. Apparently 70 hits a day is too much, so now I've spent $5 extending the bandwidth, and have slapped myself for sticking up photos with gay abandon. Too late to blog now, I've decided to try three times a week to get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep a night. If I can do that for two weeks in a row, I'm then going to try eating vegetables..... woohoo!
Booked tickets to go to Leeds on Saturday, where I shall go clubbing with vodka queen. Wahey! That should right the sleep index somewhat.
Now, shall I take some homework to bed or not....? Don't be stupid.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 11:46 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 9 September 2003 11:51 PM BST
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Wednesday, 10 September 2003 - 9:50 PM BST

Name: Briar
Home Page:

Right is someone going to email me about Leeds, before I give it up and refuse to come at all!!!!

Thursday, 11 September 2003 - 1:46 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

You big bloody drama queen,!

I posted an invitation in futb, then I posted my email addy and asked anyone coming to mail me, then I posted a personal invite to you on there, *then* I used the comments boxes on your blog to beg you repeatedly to come!

What...did I forget the pearls?

E-mail me, you Barabara Windsoresque bugger, you!

Thursday, 11 September 2003 - 6:34 PM BST

Name: Briar
Home Page:

Pearls and flowers!


Oh and now I have no idea that there was a personal invite on futb.

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