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Thursday, 6 May 2004

Fish Snuf M*vie

Topic: LondonLifer

So I went to Whitstable, with Rose Madder, on Monday, and took my camera because I wanted to photograph dead fish. It was raining like a blood shower in a slashpic, and the cold gradually froze me over until I couldn't feel anything at all, and got giddy. My brain froze over the worst.

Rose Madder used to be a photographer of sorts, and I hoped I could pick her brain for ideas, although my main idea was to go to the fishermen's market stalls on the wharf where they sell the fresh catch, and photograph series of dead fish. Rose Madder's advice was to be brash, stick your camera in people's face when it's the right moment, and shoot, without worrying about etiquette or permission. She said they let go of the scruff of your neck eventually.

I couldn't do it - I got one snap of some cockles and mussels and chickened out. I resolved to take a series of pictures of fish that had died of natural causes, instead.
Meantime, the rain was barrelling down, and we ducked into a harbour pub to shelter, and eat oysters. In May. Wrong month to eat oysters (yeah, now you tell me that, old woman at work, now you tell me).
Feeling nauseated, queasy, bilious, tipping slightly to the left on bends, feeling rather at sea, I try to walk it off along the beach. The tide is out and I want to jump the scum on the waves, and see if I can get further out into the harbour than anyone else, so I can be King of the Beach. I want to skim a stone that goes further than three hops. And I want to find me a dead crab, a fish if possible; failing that, 700 digital close ups of seaweed bunches will do.
First beach I got to, I could not believe my luck. I found a wild fish, about two foot long, a handspan in diameter, died of natural causes. I snapped away like a paparazzi finding Becks' bidet occupied. Brilliant. I found a salmon!

I did mention the cold was freezing my brain over, didn't I? A salmon. Wild. Yeah. On the beach. There were other varieties, too. Plaice, Giant Crabs, Dover Sole, Lobsters. Died of natural causes. No embarrassment in photographing this lot in close up for hours.
I found three salmon, actually. I was lining em up to snap 'em and p'raps even pretend I'd been on a trawler and brought up the nets myself, when I saw one of them was wearing a barcode label.
It even took me a while longer to work out what creature had filleted all the flatfish so neatly. Or to look further up the estuary towards the back doors of all the Oyster restaurants lining the flood barriers.

In other news, Vanessa learns that eating bad oysters can be compounded if all subsequent meals mainly consist of chilli, tabasco, beans, and boiled eggs.
I am not pleasant company in any small, airless space right now.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 10:06 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 6 May 2004 10:22 PM BST
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Friday, 7 May 2004 - 1:18 AM BST

Name: cacoa

just out of interest, why are you photographing dead fish?

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 6:47 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Um. I was doing trees against the sky at sunset, but i got bored of that.
Actually, mostly, I need a large picture of either a bright or emphatic subject for the walls, to prevent the flat I'm in being too stupendously beigeious.

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 10:35 AM BST

Name: maria
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what a great but scary word.

Hmm, and I've decided: It's not a good idea for me to read fish stories so early in the day.


Friday, 7 May 2004 - 12:24 PM BST

Name: NC

Rose Madder what a nice colour! Why not put that on your walls instead;-) Better yet Indian Yellow made from the urine of cows fed on mango leaves. A touch of the exotic beats rainy Whitstable any day!

Are you sure she wouldn't prefer to be Scarlet Lake! Yes, I cheated and peeked at the paint colour catalogue - but they just have such exciting names

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 3:33 PM BST

Name: pan
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I love you dead fish photo - you've defintely captured . . . deadness. But in a good way. Pan's tip for the photo embarressment : Use an SLR with a big lens and a motor drive. Preferabbly a whiny one. Everyone things your a pro doing a shoot for flipping Tachen or somebody and studioudly pretends you're not there seriously.

Am going to Cornwall this Summer for camping, beaching, surfing, bodyboarding, sulking with my lovely chums (a bit of a moveable feast) so of you want to come along let me know.

BTW I'm incredibly pissed for 3.30 in the afternoon and listening to a mixture of Nina Simone and Old School Reggae, but the offer still stands :)

ANd ther is no such thing as a bad oyster (except the ones that make you sick) I know - I've opened 24 of the liuttle fuckers in one go (showing off giving a dinner party) Alas byt thhe end I was hitting the little bastards with a rolling pin to get them open. All the best restaurants serve their restaurants with a coullis of broken shell shards. No Really.

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 5:03 PM BST

Name: Paul
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The nightmare of your bad oyster comparison is frightening. Over here we have White Castles, which are supposedly gut busters/belly bombs. I love the stuff, but some people just can't handle them.

Frankly, I'd have been weirded out if I saw someone outside of the restaurant photographing dead fish.

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 5:10 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Lol!!! Dear Pan .. it is the morning after, and you have been inviting everybody on the internet to come on holiday with with you.

1. Thanks, but that's not my photo - I took 218 photos that I haven't dared download onto the PC yet, for fear of how terrible they'll be. If I took a photo as good as that, I'd not need to practise.
2. Good idea about the Big Camera. I used to have an old fifties German Voigtlander camera that was silver square and clunky and fun. But I was still too scared to stick in people's faces.
3. There is so too a bad oyster. I ate six, and had the squits till Thursday. I possibly shouldn't have covered them in Tabasco, and also drunk some sea water after, I know (don't ask).
4. If you knew how often me and a fellow blog reader have sat in a pub wondering if everyone is Pan (a game second only to wondering if everyone is Belle de Jour), you'd never ask about the camping. You should come out to the pub sometime, it'd be like being a rock star for an evening.

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 5:37 PM BST

Name: sarah
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I spent a highly enjoyable A-level geography field trip on a beach covered in freshly gutted fish. Denry even kissed one.

Photographing people I don't know is really bloody difficult, I get all embarrassed. I get self-concious trying to get "funky urban shots" when I'm on my own too, this is why all my photographs are incredibly boring scenic bollocks.

(I'm almost tempted to write something about when I've killed animals with my bare hands, but at least one involved an air-rifle. And everyone would hate me. Especially when I get to the bunnies.)

Saturday, 8 May 2004 - 10:16 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Oh dear, yes. I have dated people who killed large amounts of small furry creatures, though. But they were instructed not to talk to me about it, so I'm thankfully unacquainted with the details.

That Denry, eh?

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