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Sunday, 25 April 2004

Topic: Empty Fridge Light

For all you great writers out there ... blog vanity publishing.

Which reminds me of a meme that might make me look good, thus allowing me to make friends, influence people, who knows, possibly get a shag one day: Which of these have you read?

Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart
Agee, James - A Death in the Family
Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
Baldwin, James - Go Tell It on the Mountain
Beckett, Samuel - Waiting for Godot
Bellow, Saul - The Adventures of Augie March
Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights

Camus, Albert - The Stranger
Cather, Willa - Death Comes for the Archbishop
Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales
Chekhov, Anton - The Cherry Orchard
Chopin, Kate - The Awakening
Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness

Cooper, James Fenimore - The Last of the Mohicans
Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of Courage
Dante - Inferno
de Cervantes, Miguel - Don Quixote
Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
Douglass, Frederick - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Dreiser, Theodore - An American Tragedy
Dumas, Alexandre - The Three Musketeers
Eliot, George - The Mill on the Floss
Ellison, Ralph - Invisible Man
Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Selected Essays
Faulkner, William - As I Lay Dying
Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury
Fielding, Henry - Tom Jones
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby

Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary
Ford, Ford Madox - The Good Soldier
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Faust
Golding, William - Lord of the Flies
Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter
Heller, Joseph - Catch 22
Hemingway, Ernest - A Farewell to Arms
Homer - The Iliad
Homer - The Odyssey

Hugo, Victor - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hurston, Zora Neale - Their Eyes Were Watching God
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
Ibsen, Henrik - A Doll's House

James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady
James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw
Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kafka, Franz - The Metamorphosis
Kingston, Maxine Hong - The Woman Warrior
Lee, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird

Lewis, Sinclair - Babbitt
London, Jack - The Call of the Wild
Mann, Thomas - The Magic Mountain
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - One Hundred Years of Solitude
Melville, Herman - Bartleby the Scrivener
Melville, Herman - Moby Dick
Miller, Arthur - The Crucible
Morrison, Toni - Beloved

O'Connor, Flannery - A Good Man is Hard to Find
O'Neill, Eugene - Long Day's Journey into Night
Orwell, George - Animal Farm

Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
Poe, Edgar Allan - Selected Tales

Proust, Marcel - Swann's Way
Pynchon, Thomas - The Crying of Lot 49
Remarque, Erich Maria - All Quiet on the Western Front
Rostand, Edmond - Cyrano de Bergerac
Roth, Henry - Call It Sleep
Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
Shakespeare, William - Hamlet
Shakespeare, William - Macbeth
Shakespeare, William - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare, William - Romeo and Juliet
Shaw, George Bernard - Pygmalion
Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein

Silko, Leslie Marmon - Ceremony
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Sophocles - Antigone
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex
Steinbeck, John - The Grapes of Wrath
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Treasure Island
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's Cabin
Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels

Thackeray, William - Vanity Fair
Thoreau, Henry David - Walden
Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace
Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons
Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Voltaire - Candide
Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. - Slaughterhouse-Five
Walker, Alice - The Color Purple

Wharton, Edith - The House of Mirth
Welty, Eudora - Collected Stories
Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Williams, Tennessee - The Glass Menagerie
Woolf, Virginia - To the Lighthouse

Wright, Richard - Native Son

Why are they all in bursts? That makes me look so like I can't stick to anything.
I own almost all of these books. And people get antsy when they recommend me some dull volume that reminded them of their life and I don't read it immediately. I have too many books waiting to be read as it is.
My flat at the moment has just one single book in it (Middlesex), plus five that Krystal leant me. The rest are all in storage somewhere in Hackney. It's peculiarly freeing, not to have all your books hanging around, taking up space.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 10:47 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 25 April 2004 10:52 PM BST
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Monday, 26 April 2004 - 2:31 AM BST

Name: Jen
Home Page:

Very impressive list of accomplished reads, my opinion. As a woman of the American south, I urge you to read Eudora Welty's collection. Not because it reminds me of me, or of you, but because she reminds me of women everywhere who just get it. Her writing is masterful, her POV exquisite. I'd be interested in seeing what you think of her.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 2:58 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Will do - am studying a lot of stuff about the South at the moment. Thanks for the tip.
It's not that impressive once you remember I have a degree in Eng Lit - most of it was first year required reading.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 5:40 AM BST

Name: Keith
Home Page:

I know that peculiarly free feeling of having one's books invisible. My own collection only recently reappeared after having spent more then ten years boxed and hidden in the attic. I remember thinking how odd it was that so much of me went unseen, yet was literally only a couple of feet above my head the whole time.

You mentioned that you're reading some southern literature, so I wonder if you've stumbled across Lewis Nordan. A little bit of southern silliness. I won't claim his name should be on the list with all of the above, but he can be a little fun.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 9:35 AM BST

Name: Lux
Home Page:

ooh, I like this list.

Especially that Tom Jones is on it. Anyone who's read that deserves some goddam n credit. People assume since I was an English major that I've read everything.

"What???? You haven't read Rosencranz and Guildenstern are dead??????"

No, f uckwit, I was busy reading all 725 pages of Tom Jones. The Penguin edition. With the tiny print.

Could have gotten away with skimming through, but after the first 200 or so pages, I felt that I had gotten so far, I couldn't give up now! Must not let the book win! Will finish it if it kills me!

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 10:43 AM BST

Name: JonnyB
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Lucky Jim.

We're missing Lucky Jim.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 11:07 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

You're right. I failed to get through more than forty pages during English S level, A level, and the first year of the degree. In fact for ages, I thought that book was cursed with Page Forty Two syndrome.
I eventually did read the damn thing, and then felt compelled to interrupt with snotty remarks about the reliability of the plot when the BBC did an amazingly funny interpretation of it. (Dunno if you can get stuff like that in the States, but it was a brilliant version of it.)

Having said that, I loved Richardson's Pamela / Fielding's Shamela. Took me a week. Bizarre. They're much worsely written (bit like my tortured grammar, there).

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 11:17 AM BST

Name: Terry
Home Page:

I'm very depressed. I've always identified with the deluded autodidact in Satre's Nausea, reading hungrily but not fully digesting anything -- but I've hardly read *any* of the books on your list, only 9 out of 100!

(I've read all the Harry Potters though -- does that count?)

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 12:06 PM BST

Name: cacoa

Oh God you have to read Catch 22-very funny, but mind i was 15 at the time.

We did Tom Jones at school, and I still remember that huge section about a man on a hill..

Oh and Homer's Iliad for Latin..!

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 1:37 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Oh god, I got a hundred pages through Nausea, then gave up and decided it would count just the same if I went to see his church mural in Leicester Square instead.

And no, Harry Potter barely counts as toilet paper. ;)

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 1:39 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

To my shame, I've done that in Latin and English. No, I don't read any Latin at all. It was an extremely boring, alienting experience. When I complained, I was informed that any decent school would have taught me latin, and the rest of the course was delivered in latin to prove this point. Taught me to think before I complain.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 1:40 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

If it were a British list, I agree. But it sounds American to me. There isn't world enough and time for any Briton of sound mind to have to read Walden.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 1:41 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

The thing is, I use my books all the time - I refer to them all frequently. It's so strange not being able to find a derivation of 'star' if someone asks.
I'll look out for Lewis Nordan on my library visit this week. Thanks.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 8:41 PM BST

Name: Kat
Home Page:

On your list the only ones I've read are The Scarlett Letter, Huck Finn, Edgar Allen Poe and The Picture of Dorian Gray.

You know, when Dorian was written he must have seemed horrid and beastly. I only read this recently and he really didn't seem all that bad a character. Yes, he was vain and yes, he did a lot of catting around but there have been characters (both real and imagined) since that time who've done much worse.

I've read tons and tons of books but what I like is mainstream fiction.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 9:21 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

This list is the canon, I guess. I dunno why a canon wouldn't be called mainstream. Meh. It isn't, no point wondering.
Re: Dorian - I thought it was partly that he was amoral, a nasty minded villain, and those traits came out in the face of the portrait. He has all sorts of unspeakable appetites in the book, that he sneaks off to the docks to satisfy, doesn't he? I read it several times but all more than 15 years ago. But in my memory, he's sort of turning into a satyr - didn't they kill, rape and murder, as well as drink and shag a lot?

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