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The Marriage Between History and Hollywood

August 2003
Los Angeles & St Petersburg

The American film company "Enigma Films" and the preservation of cultural heritage foundation,"The Sarskaia Foundation", led by the President of both organizations, Ms. Oma Hamou, has begun the realization of this American - Russian cultural project.

The project includes the restoration of historic-cultural monuments connected to the life of the last Russian Emperor Nikolay II and his family. Then, in the revived historical interiors it is planned that Enigma will begin principal photography on its feature film "As A Matter Of Honour", on the life of the Imperial Family

Enigma intends to film approximately 80% of the film within Russia in Saint Petersburg, Tsarskoe Selo, Pskov, Gatchina, Sarov, Ekaterinburg, Saratov, and Moscow. Also in Darmstadt (Germany), London (Great Britain), Los Angeles (USA). It is planned that the premiere of the film will be held in the Circular Hall of the Alexander Palace in Tzarskoe Selo, which was the last resident of Emperor Nicholas II and his family.

Funds for the restoration efforts have been appropriated from the film's production budget through the "Sarskaia Foundation". Through The Sarskaia Foundation's efforts, additional funds have been raised through corporate sponsors and US government grants.

No matter how difficult the challenges have been the objective is the economic and social development of the St. Petersburg region. It is about creating jobs and improving the lives of the community. Amongst the support from the different Government organizations from both America and Russia, Ms. Oma Hamou has also sought the advice and assistance from Development Financial Institutions such as the World Bank, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and other nonprofit Foundations.

Ms. Oma Hamou is a partner with the State Museum Preserve and the Russian Orthodox Church in connection to the restoration and film project of "As A Matter of Honour". Both Enigma and Sarskaia are also members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pushkin and Pavlosk.

The Moscow Patriarchate's office sent their letter in support of the projects and promised to help reach "…good aims announced to the best of Her ability. The renewal of national self-awareness in modern Russia is inseparably connected with the renewal of the Orthodox outlook and traditions of pre-revolutionary Imperial Russia…"

Recently the Governors of the Pskov and Sverdlovskaya Region Eugeny E. Mikhailov and Eduard Rossell declared their support of Enigma's project. July 14, 2003 at press conference in the St.-Petersburg Regional centre of ITAR-TASS, Eugeny E. Mikhailov, stated his support publicly. His words have received a wide resonance in the Russian press and have caused interest to both the film and the restoration efforts. July 16, 2003 News agency "Apelsin", working in Ural region stated that Ms. Hamou's letter is before the Ministry of Culture of Sverdlovskaiai region.

Restoration efforts by Enigma began in 2000 on the Fedorovsky Cathedral located in Tzarskoye Selo and in 2001 the company began restoration efforts on the Alexander Palace by dismantling and removing the existing equipment from the Formal Suite of Rooms. Besides restoring the Alexander Palace and the Fedorovsky Cathedral, Enigma also plans to include the restoration of the Fedorovsky Little Town and the Alexander Nevsky Larva. The Foundation also intends to provide an ambulance and modern medical equipment to the Semashko Hospital in the city of Pushkin.

Historic preservation is expensive and risky. Even ordinary rehabilitation is subject to high costs and uncertain returns. This is why Enigma's project takes a broad approach in the rehabilitation of these buildings that play an important role in the cultural patrimony of the Russian people. This approach should be viewed as an opportunity to stimulate tourism and commercial activity that will provide income to the local economies. Increased economic activity will stimulate the different economic market sectors and provide the means and incentive for increased investment .

Being an American of Russian ancestry she has always been interested in her cultural heritage. In 2001 Oma Hamou, an American actress, model and film producer visited Russia and accepted Orthodoxy in Fedorovsky Cathedral of Tzarskoe Selo. She has thoroughly read hundreds of research works and memoirs about Nikolay II and on his reign, which has become the basis of her script "As A Matter Of Honour".

On July 25, 2003 in Malibu, picturesque Northwest suburb of Los Angeles on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, the Foundation hosted a dinner party. Approximately 100 guests attended amongst the guests were businessmen, physicians, actors and writers. The dinner was served in accordance to Russian tradition and consisted of dishes from the Russian kitchen of the end XIX of the beginning of XX century: Aubergine "Cavial" Blinis, Roasted Walnut and Roquefort Cheese Canape, Baked Chicken Pirozhki, Grilled Baby Rack Of Lamb Chops with Fresh Mint Chutney and Wasabi, Baby New Red Potatoes with Crème Fraiche and Beluga Caviar, Saute of Wild Mushrooms, Vodka, Cabernet, Balsamic Grilled Asparagus. The desert consisted of a cake and ice cream with berries, fruit and chocolate.

Although American President George W. Bush could not attend the dinner he sent his good wishes to Ms. Hamou and thanked her for the invitation. Because of the recent regulations concerning US Visas representatives from Russia could not attend the dinner but did send their greetings. They stated to Ms. Hamou to remember and to remain true to her goals. To recall these words from the writer, philosopher and Emperor of Rome, Mark Avrely named as the basic advantages of the czars and that is: "Wisdom, Justice, Firmness and Moderation".

Addressing her visitors, the president of the company "Enigma Films" and "Sarskaia" Foundation" Ms. Oma Hamou said the following:

"We have brought together three very removed and different worlds. Those worlds are religion, filmmaking and international development. The development journey of this project has been intense and has been neither easy nor straightforward. This is understandable, because it is always more difficult to create than to destroy. But no matter how difficult our work has been, it is a noble and much needed undertaking and represents how process that will, without any doubt, benefit our two nations and our people.

"As A Matter of Honour" is the true history of Imperial Russia through the eyes of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorvna. Though the relationship between Nicholas II and Alexandra has often been the subject of books and films, none of these stories drew the information from the individuals themselves. The film is based upon the actual diaries, letters and court affidavits of the related events. It tells their story of hope, fear and courage in the midst of explosive events that led up to their final days and the beginning of one of the darkest chapters in human history.

Russia's fabric is woven into a beautiful multi-colored tapestry that is rich in its heritage, its traditions and in its people as a nation. The people are just like you and I, they work hard and they want the best for their children, for their future. I love Russia and I love Her history and I am proud to be an American of Russian ancestry. There are many rich stories waiting to be discovered in Russia and to be told".

Being the initiator of the project - Oma Hamou has put the difficult aim - connected with fragile stereotypes. Hollywood, "factory of dreams", has never undertaken a reconstruction of cultural values just to make a film. OMA aspires to prove, that the time has come.

She is sure, that the two enormous powers of the World - Russia and America, - whose destinies were more than once bound in history, should move towards each other in protecting the cultural and historical heritage and enrich each other in this sphere. The Alexander Palace, the Fedorovsky Cathedral, the Fedorovsky Little Town, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and their unusual fate can be cited for all dimensions. Their restoration has a significance that not only reaches far back into history but also points to a new future. The fact that Russians and Americans are now rebuilding several of its historical treasures certainly lays a new foundation today.

On May 23-26, 2002, she found words of encouragement from both leaders of our two countries, at the summit in Saint Petersburg. One of the brightest and fresh examples of that is Russia aspires for the revival of its lost architectural and cultural monuments. It is important to not only Russians but to the World. President Putin is committed in helping Russia preserve what is best in its culture, while coming to grips with its complex history and modern challenges. The restoration of the ruins of the Konstantinovsky Palace in Saint Petersburg was possible because of the will of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, through his efforts and the attention, which he shows to such historical places of Russia such as Old Ladoga.

On August 1 2003, Oma Hamou sent the appropriate letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin, for support from representatives of Legislative and Executive branch powers of Russia.

Recently, The Sarskaia Foundation was invited to participate in the second US - Russia Commercial Energy Summit from September 22-23, 2003. This Summit is the realization of an initiative by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin and the President of the United States, George Bush, Jr, for Russian- US cooperation in the fuel and energy sector.

"It is an honor and privilege to participate in the upcoming Summit and advocate not only the spiritual values of heritage preservation, but also its socio-economic benefits for all individuals and communities involved, including creating job opportunities, training in arts and craft skills, construction, entrepreneurship, publishing, services, and many other productive areas of activity. It is also an opportunity to broaden public support for preservation by enlisting the moral, intellectual, and financial support of non-professionals in the decision-making and implementation process", said Oma Hamou, Chairman and Founder of The Sarskaia Foundation.

For more information about "The Sarskaia Foundation" please visit their website at

Los Angeles, USA & St. Petersburg, Russia