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Allergies are a drag...
My first entry
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Thursday, 7 December 2006
How to see our photo album
Mood:  spacey
Topic: To see our photo album...
If you wish to view our photo album, follow this link:

Posted by blog/saratroy52136 at 1:28 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 7 December 2006 1:29 PM CST
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Allergies or a cold???
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: No music right now...
Topic: Allergies are a drag...
Well, good thing it isn't a very busy day today, because I am feeling pretty miserable. I have ongoing allergies (congestion, mostly at night) that makes it hard to sleep well. I think part of this is due to our forced-air heating system, which hasn't been cleaned since I don't know when. I'm fairly certain I'm allergic to dust mites (so is Nate). We make quite a pair!!
So, even though I had a particularly difficult time staying asleep last night, I thought I was fine this morning until I walked in the freezing cold windy air to church from the bookstore in Decorah (about a five minute walk). In that distance, when I got inside the church, I started sneezing and my eyes got watery and, well, it was a total allergic onslaught (or perhaps a cold-however, I'm more inclined to think allergies are at issue). Even now, after lunch, I'm not much better. Luckily, Nate and I stopped at the drug store to get some nose spray, the only thing that really seems to work for my allergies (that and Clariton D, but that always makes me wired). So, let's hope it helps. I really don't need a cold right now, and I definitely don't want another sinus infection (I had one in May 2005, and ended up in the ER on a Sunday evening but they gave me antibiotics and I was on the mend fairly quickly). Still, hope this is just the allergy issue and it might be resolved after I medicate myself. Also, I suppose we should get our vents cleaned, especially this time of year, when the heat is on a lot...

Posted by blog/saratroy52136 at 1:09 PM CST
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Welcome to my blog-and be sure to check out the photo album!
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: No music right now....
Topic: My first entry
Hello to all! This is my first entry in my new blog. As I love to write, this blog will be updated as much as I am able to write (and to those who receive my e-mails, you know that amounts to a lot of writing!). If you get tired of reading my ramblings, feel free to hop over to my photo album to check out our house photos. You may recall a previous photo album I had with house pictures, but unfortunately I forgot my login information and had to create this one instead. Besides, we have a lot of new photos to include, anyway-such as photos of our Christmas tree, as 2006 marks Nate's and my first Christmas together as a married couple in our new (old) home!
I am currently typing this entry at church, as I am minding the office today while our secretary is on maternity leave. With the Christmas season approaching, I am feeling a bit rushed this time of the year, but I'm sure everything will turn out ok. Somehow it always does!
Meanwhile, despite the inherent stress, I love the holidays (just ask Nate!). The day after Thanksgiving, the Christmas tree is up and the music is on at our house! (Luckily, I have plenty of quality Christmas music from which to choose!). Nate is a good sport about putting up with it --hey, if he can watch football games day after day, I should get to listen to my Christmas music for one month! :)
This year, we have a 7.5-foot artificial tree with white lights pre-attached (saves a lot of time!). My decorating theme was: white, gold, cranberry red and sage green (to match our sage green livingroom walls). I used gold beaded garland, vintage Christmas ornaments (and some new), and Nate's parents gave us these adorable elf ornaments holding little plaques that say "Nathan" and "Sara." They are pretty cute!! We have a gold angel on top. I have to say, I'm very impressed with the way things turned out. The tree is just the right height for our living room (I think we have 8-foot ceilings).
You know, if I weren't a writer, I'd be an interior decorator. I get such a rush making our home look as good as we can (ahem...) afford. :)
This past weekend, in early December, we hosted a small holiday gathering for Nate's parents, my parents and grandma,and a friend of ours (Mary, Dan and boys were busy that weekend, but they plan to stop by some other time before Christmas). It was a lot of fun. We played Christmas music, had the tree all lit, and enjoyed baked paprika chicken, baked party potatoes, and asparagus. My mom brought her famous homemade cinnamon bread and fudge, and my grandma brought homemade brownies. Our friend Christina came with a box of assorted chocolates, and Nate's parents bought the Chardonnay. It was a fun get-together.
I will eventually get more than one picture posted in the photo album. In the meantime, I'll keep you all updated on our goings-on, related to our continued progress on our home, among other things.
May you all have a very happy holiday season!!


Posted by blog/saratroy52136 at 11:21 AM CST
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