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-*-30 shades of amaranth -*-
Tuesday, 29 June 2004
it's cure tuesday!
huzzah! the new cure album today! it's been nearly five years since bloodflowers. tomorrow I should be getting the Wolf's Rain Special Edition. I am trying to keep my mind off of troubles, but they seem to mounting up. Money is such an evil thing, but not as evil as the bills that require the money. I really am hoping for a miracle to get some so I can finally get caught up and actually buy a new graphics pad and all the other little things I need to get the website working more efficiently. And hopefully people will donate to help us out since very few of us (us being the people who work on the site) can actually have real jobs - this is all we have other than disability which gives you barely anything to survive on. Anyway *thinks of pleasant things like a soft whispering voice, silk kisses, and deep blue eyes that glisten with stars that your soul just drowns in....ugh...and enough with awful poetry type lines.

Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 12:52 PM
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Monday, 28 June 2004
Another Day, Another Donut
...or that is how the saying goes. I am still working on the bulletin board for Geekerz, a much more daunting task than it should be. Doesn't seem like the database I have can connect to anything which requires someone contacting web host to see what is going on. -insert heavy sigh here- seems like I will never get this project done. One day. I keep saying that. Tomorrow new Cure album. huzzah and some such nonsense. I decided to join the street team. go me! Well I like helping to promote. Click both the link in the links spot and this banner please:

There are so few good bands and/or music these days, so please support the good ones, I know I do.
Other news: hm. nothing really other than updating this and various other nonsense.
Also please visit Mediasharx. They are lonely and want hits. I don't care if you don't really want to know about is going on in pop culture, or read some comic reviews. I would love you though if you did. They are also adding some columns spotlights. woo. Well, I should go back to work on the bulletin boards or coding.
ta de da.

Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 1:06 PM
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Sunday, 13 June 2004
it's been awhile....
it's been a long time since I did anything with this, and I really feel sort of bad about that.
I was doing a lot posting on gaia online and that was highly distracting - then suddenly I got obsessed with working on my site - which I am still working on - but it is taking more time than I have really hoped it would. I realize that really I am just making excuses to myself. I need to practice writing and this is really the best way to do it - and just write whatever comes to my mind - which is pretty broken right now for several reasons but the most important one is the headache currently invading my head. It's pretty painful and yet numbing at the same time. A friend bought me a SDK shirt at a local comic book con today - which made me happy for probably all of ten minutes. Mainly because of the headache thing. It's really nice though, and I do love it. I have had a lot of headaches recently, mostly due to stress, and I won't go into all of that either, it's complicated and just thinking about it makes my head worse. I will just say stress is an evil thing and should be killed.
Otherwise I am involved in an odd rp story which I will talk about later - right now I think my bed is calling me. -good night-


Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 9:20 PM
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Saturday, 3 January 2004
well it's been a while since I updated this.
I have been wasting time on gaia. and trying
to update Geekerz - which is going slow because
of me wasting time on gaia. My birthday was
was alright, but I was sick, christmas was very
quiet. -sigh- oh well. uh...I ran out of stuff
to say. so -poof-


Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 11:35 PM
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Thursday, 6 November 2003
another day of absolute nothing...
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: --stretched on your grave--
everytime i hear this song i remember how it creeps me out. anyway i thought it was time that once again to update my journal/bloggy/thingie. actually i was planning on working on the geekerz site. (if you don't know what that is it's a site i came up with last year. it's an online comic thing i guess that my friends and i are doing. sort of...never update it. then again we can never agree on a layout. so it remains sucky. bah). i got my samurai deeper kyo cds today. woohoo. (though I am tired of typing Samurai Deeper Kyo Official Soundtrack...the one disc has thirty tracks. i also reburned my Weiss Kreuzand Kenshin CDs as well.) i should get my art and fan book tonorrow. also i was searching the web and saw something more disturbing than samurai deeper kyo yaoi, kenshin yaoi, or even the thought of kyo and kenshin crossover was...naruto yaoi. yes you read that correctly. naruto yaoi. this prompted a conversation between mal and i about this. both of us think it is very disturbing. then we talked about the only samurai deeper kyo character that we could possible see actually go for another guy was Yukimura. he said kyo is too butch, plus no matter how much he denies it he is/was in love with Sakuya, Mal said he could sort of see kyo/kyoshiro..but that would sort of be like masturbation. Then we talked of Kenshin, and he brought up that just because Kenshin likes them young doesn't mean he's gay. After all Kaoru was 17...Kenshin was 28. Then I brought up Tomoe. She was older than he was, by just 2 years but still. Then we quickly got off the subject since I didn't want to get into the whole "Kaoru is better than Tomoe" discussion again. (I will always like Tomoe. and I will always like the fact that Hiko took care of grave. Because Hiko still will always know best. ha!) I guess it is anime discussion night. whee. I am still working on my little character on go-gaia. numi is a little cutie. or so say i. What oddness is post has been. I didn't get to do anything with the RP today. bah. Oh well. I have ran out of things to say so I will add this little bit of entertainment....

--fade away...
-I got to get a message through-
-I don't know where we're going-
-I wrap my arms around your naked shoulders-
-take cover for the night-
-I see you in the morning rain-
-oh step inside and lay beside me-
-Tender can you close my eyes and blind me-
-oh give me just a smile...-
-Before I fade to silver-
-Silver Blue for you-
-Before I fade to silver-
-Silver Blue for you-
=I've turned into The Broken One=
=who lost the inspiration=
=I want to give you all my love like water to=
=a blood red rose=
=The Passion - I can't deal with her=
=The Pain - well, I can do without him=
=And this is like the milky way=
=an ocean that only grows and grows=
=And babe I fade to silver=
=Silver Blue for you=
=I turn and fade to silver=
=Silver Blue for you=
-I wrap my arms around you naked shoulders-
-take cover for the night-
-then I fade...
to silver blue...
for you...-
--fade away....

ºkyo kahiº

"Love is slowing you down, my lady. I will catch you at last, if you love much more."
-king haggard-

"Sakuya-sama...Sakuya-sama is even beyond me..she is the only thing Demon Eyes Kyo truly loves. She is...Sakuya"
" have to be honest to your heart" Okuni to Kyo
"Sakuya-sama? she is..."WAS THAT IT? WAS THAT THE JUPITER SHOW?
-jupiter crash, the cure-

(by the way for those who don't know the pic is of kenshin and tomoe...mal likes it call it the night kenshin covered something more fun to do than play with tops...<>sweatdrop<> o_0 )

Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 9:43 PM
Updated: Thursday, 6 November 2003 10:50 PM
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Friday, 31 October 2003
The Cat in the Hat and the rain
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Couldn't Care Less - The Cardigans
October 31st. Samhain.
It's raining outside. Fits my mood for the most part. Haven't done too much writing. Trying to avoid it. I managed to make it through reading The Crow again. as usual. That's why I mentioned Cat in the hat in the title...

woo..crow pic.
Anyways...not too much to say right now. maybe later I will feel like writing more in here.
ºkyo kahiº

Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 1:55 PM
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Thursday, 30 October 2003
Devil's Night
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Treasure -- The Cure
"Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful Goodness was."

So Devil's Night is upon me once again, so as usual I watched The Crow. -sigh- Now I remember how much I love that story, both the movie and the comic, even though it is sad, even sadder still are the real events that lead to it's telling, as well as the tragic events of the movie. Tomorrow, of course is Samhain (yes I still would rather call Halloween by it's celtic name. I am quite queer that way. For me, it is a time to remember those gone from earth.) and, as usual I am not doing anything for it. And as usual I am in a 'mood' that I won't get into. subject...I got my new cell phone yesterday. Happiness. Joyous. Now I can do online messaging when I am out. Woo...Well at least on AIM and Yahoo. MSN costs money. No fun. I only say that because I don't have any money to speak of. So I am looking for ringtones and screensavers for this darn thing. I feel like a little 5 year old with a new toy. Also decided to change my full nickname from Kyoama to Kyo Kahi...basically it means Though Mal keeps joking about jokes that must make him Kyo. He just wants me to be his servant girl..because out of the SDK characters he likes Migeira the best. {suddenly thinks of the out-takes on the last disc that came out..."what? is that the best the writers can do? jawas?" though my favorite one on that is "i recognize those nuts!" since nothing will beat the Berserk out-take with Guts saying "okay who wants to blow me?" I am rambling here...-stops-)
Uhm a few minutes ago it seemed I had a lot more to say. I think my brain broke. Well, okay, maybe that isn't true, I do have an urge to write stories and the like. Always seems to happen over when the seasons reach the crossroads. All starts today and ends on November 5th. Odd. Hrm. I guess I will go poof now. I hope you all have (or had if you are reading this after the fact) a pleasant Oíche Shamhna (what Halloween is known as in Scotland and Ireland).
ºkyo kahiº

she whispers
"please remember me
when i am gone from here"

she whispers
"please remember me
but not with tears...
remember i was always true
remember that i always tried
remember i loved only you
remember me and smile...
for it's better to forget
than remember me
and cry"
"remember i was always true
remember that i always tried
remember i loved only you
remember me and smile...
for it's better to forget
than remember me
and cry..."

-- treasure --

Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 11:40 PM
Updated: Thursday, 30 October 2003 11:44 PM
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Monday, 27 October 2003
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: When U Were Mine - Cyndi Lauper
It's a pretty dull day today and I feel pretty uninspired to do quite anything. I am getting images and things together for a little update type thing on geekerz, but I always seem to be doing that, maybe one day I will actually get around to updating it. So much I want to little energy to do it, and caffeine isn't's just making me jittery-like. Oh well.
My Kyo tea cup came today. happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy! Mal says he looks like he had a little too much tea. Bah. I still love my Kyo no matter what. I also got my beading supplies, so when I actually feel semi-creative I will make stuff. Whee. am back at the beginning of this entry again, how did I get there? It is a mystery to yet be resolved. So is my obsession with red headed anime characters with red hair and swords. Okay now I am rambling. and not good rambling. just "what the heck was that about" rambling. Maybe I should..

Posted by blog/samuraisbutterfly at 11:33 AM
Updated: Monday, 27 October 2003 2:42 PM
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