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Home Page of the Same

Welcome! You are here to see a bit of a hungarian girl's things, but this site is not for to show the whole me. It's mainly the place of my english blog, and representing some more things about what i'm interested in and some some fun.

Well, I hope you'll enjoy being here and got some interesting information about me and my things. If you had a great time here, please come back and visit again! See ya': Melinda

If you're more interested about me and my things, you can find more of my photots, drawings, etc. at my hungarian site. It has an english root, so there you can find things easier, than you wish. Go on, and visit:

Some things about me

My Photo Galleries

A general photo album - kind of test version
An artistic album mainly about buildings
Mood of the Same - it depends...
An album with some of my drawings