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Ryan Gilger

This is me!

This is my official website. Not only will I be using this for my first project in my COMS 359 class, but I will also maintain it for my own personal use outside of the classroom. This site contains pretty much anything you want to know about me. Don't ever hesitate to shoot me an email. With this site I will keep everyone up to speed on what I plan on doing with music, school, etc.

So, it's almost 4 AM and I am still plugging away at this website. I had a whole different set-up of how I wanted it to look. Dr. Gunkel even helped me a lot but I still just decided that it was just a bit too much for project one. Well, I hope I'm not the only one up at this hour. Thank God for caffeine and cigarettes, that's all I have to say. The cool part is that I added the guestbook for people to come and share their thoughts for the whole world to see!

© Ryan Gilger 2005