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Monday, August 18, 2003

Can we say fucktwit?ยท

Well it started at the pool where me and my friend where hanging out chilling and she come and start ask me if my parent s can take us to the movies and my sis said yea than my sis went to pick her up in my dads car at her house and when she got into my dads car she started shit about the radio and the car how it look and that her brother has a better car than that plz(her brother has a white old style honda really old style and her brother steals radio from car ) and she bitching that my radio is not good enough because it doesnt fold 3 times.So we get to the movies and the movie we wanted to see was sold out (freddy vs jason) so we watch another movie and the whole movie she was talking and throwing popcron then when the movie was at the ending she asked if ishe can use my cell to call her mom to tell her mom that she was still at the movie(my ass she call her mom) she call her brother to come pick her up to see the movie (freedy vs jason) and her brother said no so she said to my sis to sneek in and watch the movie and my sis no because it was to late and she need to take her home and my other 2 friends and she started bitching again when we went home i was pissed off and so was my sis so we put the music later than usual.Well today my friend came to my house to go to the pool and she was there she tryed to talk to me and she knew i was mad at her and she keep trying to talk to me and my friend told her to fuck off and she call her mom to pick her up and she started to tell me she didnt mean that and i told to shut the fuck up and she got pissed and told me that my sis was a BITCH i told her that she was WHORE and she left.

Well a while back there was a 18 year old guy driving a corolla tryed to holer at me but i told him to go away well he started to have a crush on my best friend and my friend (he ask out my friend and she told him to fuck off well i dye my hair red and i got a ear pierceing on the top of the ear and he didnt reconice me so i was happy but now he knows my name and know where i live and he like me but he doesnt know he holer at me already but he was looking for me all day and around the complex and i had to jump from side to side and hide in the pool and go under water when he passed well my friend (raf) got a pringle bottle and put water in it and he threw on ALEX(that the name of the guy in the corolla)and he didnt care and he still asked for me so know i dont even want to go outside!!!

Now i talking to my friend on aim and this girl is making sn to see if she can catch up to me in having more sn i doubt it but i let her try.Well my other friend is like sleeping and online hey who could blame him yesterday i took a sleeping pill and was talking some shit and i didnt even understand that my sis had to log me off. well other than that i have no more shit to talk about (FUCKTWIT OR MY FRIENDS) UNTIL NEXT TIME


liberated Rufy @ 10:39 PM | link

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