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  Jubi  Rraarr  Rraarr
quest book backstage discussion forum
  : :Rraarr: :   : :Miew: :      : :Batmunkee::   : :Lost: :   : :Boo!: :   : :Snap: :
                                                                               Tuesday, August 5th

I realised today that I may have an agression management problem.  I found myself a personal wooden dummy, in the form of Taz. That was incredibly amusing, but still, very sorry.

A very female observant male attribute in my grade fell out of a bus window this afternoon, I'd judge that the bus was traveling at 50ks at least, but he didn't die, too bad....

I also managed to walk around with bird shit on my arse the whole day, I swear birdshit has some sort of magnetic attraction to my butt. Lastly... Happy Birthday to you mr.




Listening? to the radio perhaps? But what may be concluded from that but the groin injury of some fullback on a football team with shorts that are so high that they seem to resemble some form of explicit male lingerie. Reading perhaps? To some teenage jibberish that



  have a problem with that. There's no such thing as a personality anymore, only a great fashion sense, the best hair ironing appliance and a boyfriend.  What about guys, their ego is all that matters, their fucking image. What bloody image is there. Gangster wannabes, wimpy Fairfield assholes that are too scared to bash a guy up properly, just run away, run away.

Sunday, August 3rd

Some things are to die for, but rarely do people realise these things until they are gone. So many people use and discard, that it almost becomes a ritual. Human beings have this gift of being able to love, but equally as much as we may love, we may also hate. Sometimes I wish that we could be more simpler, too many strings attached, we almost loose ourselves and who we are to the grasp of society, a society that doesn't exist, existence in a world of material and greed; my polyester world.


  promotes the production of a fluro pink chemically enhanced nail polish that is responsible for throat cancer and the extinction of a rare species of primate, the ground dwelling baboon. Pathetic isn't. The more 'modern' times become, the more women strut around with barely a shirt on. But guy's wouldn't   The world only consist of two types of people now; dickheads and bitches; and I guess I'm one of them.

 links will be up at a later date. no time to doo do, sorry - Jubi