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Ron Sedgley Turns 60
Ron Sedgley Turns 60
Welcome to the Tribute to Ron Sedgley. Calling all Class of 1969 …It is about time for Ron to turn 60!!! April 13th is fast approaching. No this is not a reminder to do your taxes…. But a day to celebrate a former classmate. His twin daughters are feverously working to get the plans set in motion. Please help me to celebrate Ron’s birthday appropriately…. We are having a small family celebration but would like to have you all as part of the Festivities. Every Year he talks of the great Naval Academy whether it’s the airplanes he used to fly or the swimming that he did when he was spry. Let’s not forget Ron’s favorite day of the year....Go Navy... Beat Army!!! So we ask you to please open up the memory Vault and pull out the tales of way back when…. Please share some stories they may be false or true of Dear Old Ron and his former crew. The creative geniuses that we may be, plan to put a book together for him to read.
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