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Helen Lilley

Starting out his life in the music industry just like his extremely famous namesake with the surname Williams, Leeds based Robbie Glover was a member of a boy band, not Take That but 3-Street! Unlike Robbie Williams' band Take That, during their time together 3-Street never released a single but did turn on various Christmas lights, do radio roadshows with artists including OTT (An Irish boy band). The biggest crowd that the band played to was roughly 7000 people. People even climbed on telephone boxes just so that they could see the band.

For Robbie this was an amazing feeling and "very overwhelming".
Leaving 3-Street behind, Robbie's gone solo. Before doing my research into him, I'd heard of him but didn't really know much about his music. It is mainly pop but does have an R&B edge to it. Robbie's main musical influences being Matt and Luke Goss from Bross fame. I have to admit now that I liked Robbie's music more than what I thought I was going to and would highly recommend that you visit his official site yourself to check it out. Robbie plays the drums. At the age of 12 he was in the Leeds College of music playing them at weekends and at the age of 14 even played at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
When asked what he thought he might be doing in five years time, Robbie replied that he hoped he would still be doing something musical either as a professional career if things take off or as just a hobby. But he said that it is "a very difficult question because you really can't tell what you will be doing". This is true but with the amazing amounts of support that he has received previously and will hopefully continue to receive, his career is sure to take off!

I'm still on the look out for other new bands/artists from the area to write about so if you are one or know of any please get in touch. Also if you are from the Yorkshire region and have or are planning on applying to be in The Show get in touch too as I am extremely interested in following your story.

A bit about Helen
Age: 17
Location: Doncaster
Favourite artists? I've got hundreds but at the moment it is Kass, Bak2Bak and Marc C!
Favourite song: "Don't Let Life Get You Down" by Joseph Mclean.
Career ambitions? I want to be a band/artist manager or something else in the music industry.

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