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Name: Jessica
Age: 12
Birthday: June 29th
Zodiac: Cancer
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'1



A Parrot named Harley!

EOFF: RikkuYuna89

My Sprite

Becky made it for me ^.^ Looks just like me!

Link Me

Friday, 25th April 2003
Hi! I have my own BLOG! *cheer* Thanks Becky! CHeck out her blog! It's so cool. Soon I'll post all types of things like quiz results. ^.^ Fun! I'm a big Final Fantasy fan as you can see. This layout shows Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2 ^.^

Hope you like the layout! ^.^

Still Friday

I told you I'd post my quiz results!

Oh Boy! This Blog is fun to write in! ^.^ I went to the mall before. It was fun. All did was walk around, drinking a soda. @.@

I know before I said I couldn't post any Quizzes. I'm gonna post the cliques I belong too!

Yup I'm a proud member of R.I.N.O.A!


Saturday, 26th April 2003: Same Old, Same Old.

So... BORED!!! It's raining =( I wish it would feel more like spring. I mean I'm getting a pool next week! It isn't supposed to rain when you get a pool! Isn't it!?lol (I'm crazy)

Ok Anyways... I put up my good friend Radje up in the friend list! Yay!!!