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About This Layout

This layout was made entirely with Photoshop Brushes. I just started playing with the brushes and this is what I came up with. Well personally I think it's really good, if I do say so myself. The layout is very simple to use and not too heavy on graphics, which is a plus for the people who don't like to wait an eternity for graphics to load.

Using This Layout

To use this layout just delete all the text in here and replace it with your own contents. Add links and any other stuff like updates or something in the divider to the left.


Extras include matching buttons and a Splash image, if you care to use it.

Credits and Copyrights

Just remember to link back. Like all other graphics distributed here these are linkware and so you must link back. ;)

Site © Your name here. Layout design by Jose. Brushes by Brushy.