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Andrew Kyle & Martha Mcfarland Descendents

• I, Andy Kyle, at age 75 am setting up this website for all descendents of Andrew Kyle and Martha Mcfarland of The Drumragh Parish, County Tyrone, Ireland.
• Andrew and Martha were married in June 1819, in the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Omagh, County Tyrone, Ulster, Northern Ireland.
• By July 1819 they arrived in Quebec City, Canada and spent the next 15 months with relatives in the United States.
• In 1820 they Homesteaded in Esquesing township (Norval, Ontario). Andrew died in 1876 and Martha in 1891.
• Joseph Kyle was the 7th of their 8 children. In 1862, he was postmaster for Norval, Ontario, as well as the owner of the Emporium General Store.
• In the 1890's he married Mary Elizabeth Aikin of Paisley, Ontario and on November 30 1895, Norval Webster Kyle was born.
• He was named after his dad's hometown, Norval, and his dad's best friend, Dr.Sam Webster.
• On October 21 1928, Andrew Joseph Kyle was born in Coboconk, Ontario. Andrew was named after his Grandfather Andrew Sharpe as well as his Great Grandfather Andrew Kyle. Joseph came from my Grandfather Captain Joseph Kyle and I have his Fenian Raid 1866 medal.