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BLOG; RedHead Style
Thursday, 7 August 2003

August 7, 2003

Arg....I woke up late today.... 2 something in the afternoon.I just couldn't drag myself outta bed.
But, My friend kayla/raversblaze78 sent me this kewl award for my site on That was really kewl of her! ^-^ Even though my site just has links at the moment.It's got a nice background from trigun, and a ryo-oki gif [ tenchi muyo ] for the main image though.....but other than that, links. Just links. I can not figure out how to get the page adder thing on the webshell to work! I've read the instructions over and over again but i still can't get it to work.
This site instructions are so confusing! Were not all computer experts here!!! Jeez. And there help area dosen't explain how to do it either. -.-

Well, also about kayla/raversblaze78 I checked out her site today. Her profiles really funny. lol. She hates golf,poodles, and sausages. lol. but she also had some test links. ( there's billions of em' i'm telling yah)

Here's one:

this is my way to live

What about yours?

made by rav-chan

The anime character i reconize is .... what's her face from love hina. Good series. But I haven't finished it. Library dosen't have all of there books. >.<
So i'll have to buy the remaining ones. But that will take awhile, cause i don't have a job. Though, i need one. -_-;; Yes, i'm almost 15 and i don't have a freikin' job. I could get one, but i'm too lazy. -.-;;
Though, i might ask tomarrow.....i probaly won't... but...still.
Doing lil things around the house for my parents and then them paying me for it isn't anough. That and i spend it quickly.
I think the longest time i've saved my money was.....
maybe a couple weeks. Or a month at most. -_-;;

Also, the weather here is rainy.It rains and storms atleast once every day. O.o And since i have directv it gets all funky when it storms so i can't watch my shows. I missed a episode of trigun where wolfwood died because of a stupid storm! And it cleared 5 min. before it was over.So all i saw was him asking god for forgiveness then him dying, and every one crying.
So i'll have to wait for the show to end and restart till it gets to that ep again. If the tv scedule dosen't change. >.<

Well, I have a link for raverblazes site on my webpage on, so you can check that out. I also got links for the animated gifs and where i got my background. Here's the URL for my page;


Posted by blog/redhead088 at 9:11 AM
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