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Wednesday, 17 September 2003
ha ha..I love her! She is amazing!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 8:27 PM CDT
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Sunday, 14 September 2003
Hey all! I went to Whittney's Friday night! It was fun! Then, I got up at SIX FIFTEEN in the MORNING!! :/ We went to her sister's soccer game..Then we went to the Renaissance Center to see a play..It was cute! Then we went back to her house and slept for a little bit..Then my mom came and got me and we went to K-Mart and got some stuff for their bathroom..It is sooo pretty now! It is done in Angels and the other colors are cream and gold...It is so pretty! Then, we went to Wal-Mart and got some more stuff for our bathroom! I also got Rachel's b-day present and Abby's yesterday..I got Kayla and Rachel's cards! yeh..he cute! I got Jessica's Simpson's new cd today! it is good! I like it! Well, I gots to go, so I will update again later this week...he he he! Love!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 6:47 PM CDT
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Monday, 8 September 2003
Ha Ha!
Well, I am doing much better! Life has gotten much better! I am fine with all my friends! yay! I can't wait till Oct 10-12..I am going to KY for the Hamfest! Woot! Whittney is coming too! Abs' sweet sixteen party is also that night, so I won't be able to make it! I feel so bad, I mean come on IT'S HER 16TH BIRTHDAY, AND I CAN'T GO! :/
We got report cards today! yay! We get yearbooks for last year tomorrow!! Woot Woot! YAY! We have pictures Wednesday!! Woot Woot! yay!
I am going to the Varsity soccer game tomorrow with Whitt! woo-hoo! lol...I am soo tired! ha ha!
I am so glad I am doing so well in school so far! yay! Well,I am going to go! Bye! love!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 10:23 PM CDT
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Sunday, 7 September 2003
Hey All!
Well, I am updating again! maybe regularly again! he he! I am soooo tired :/ I slept till 11:30..gosh...

This weekend was good! The game was great! Last night I went to the fair, and I met Belinda at the gate..We walked around for awhile and then we met up with SUSAN!!! Then we walked around until 6:00 when they started selling armbands and then we got busy riding the rides! Gosh, it was so much fun! We dropped Belinda off at the derby around 7:20 and then we saw Brian and he walked around with Susan and I until around 8:30...around 8:40 Susan,Belinda and I met up with Chelsey and her friend Jamie(sp?) and walked around! Jamie was really nice and we had a great time! We left at 10:45 and took Susan home, then my mom and I went to Wal-Mart, we didn't get home until like 1:00...gosh!!!!

We skipped church today and went to Kroger and everywhere...woot! I drove! I am STILL sick!! ugh!

I don't like this one guy that I did like anymore..I've moved on I don't know if I like anyone at the Maggie is getting on my nerves! (SHHHH!!)She is just like bragging about everything all the time now, and she is always talking about me to Whitt...ARGH!!!!

REPORT CARDS TOMORROW!!! YAY!!! We have an Algebra test like Wednesday or sometime this week! I can't wait!! he he! Gotta go! Bye! Love!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 2:40 PM CDT
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Saturday, 6 September 2003
sorry, sorry, sorry! I've been busy!
Here is what I've done so far:
Tuesday:school, went to my mom's work after school, went to the Dr.s
Wednesday: school, mom's work, Wal-Mart, made a tomato and cheese pie for French class
Thursday: school, home, okayyyy...I didn't do much this night!
Friday:school, Chels' after school, to the game!(49-6)GO COUGARS!!!!,came home
then today I am going to the fair with Belinda,Susan, and maybe Chels..Belinda also invited Abbie(eek!)...this should be interesting!!! lol
I am so happy about my report card! Here are my grades!
Child Development:100
French I-100
Creative Writing-100
Algebra II-100
Chels and I were the only ones to get our class I guess, but that is the bomb! I looove our teacher to death! She is great!

I had so much fun at the game! I spent a lot of time with Rachel, Chels and Lauren and Daniel R.... I got a plastic cougars football and Rachel and I were talking and said I should go down to where the cheerleaders were and throw my football out onto the field, and yell "STOP EVERYTHING! THAT'S MY FOOTBALL!" and run out onto the field and then if a football player tried to get it I would tackle him! lol ;) ha ha!funny thing is I can picture myself doing

I'm so tired! and my eye is hurting(I have no clue!) lol

I finally saw Freaky Friday, last Sunday! It was really good! We also went and saw Jeppers Creepers 2..I also saw Final Destination 1 & 2 and if you haven't seen those yet..I recomend you do!!! They were so good! They have some wicked ways to kill people in those movies!

I can honestly say that this year, Algebra II is my favorite class! do you know how great it feels to have people asking me for help?! That feels great! I get tired of helping them (;P) but it is great! I really like the class!
I've made some new friends this year! Which is great! and I've become better friends with some people I've been friends with before, and I'm losing closeness with others, but that is no big deal anymore, I've got enough close friends now that if I lose one it's no big deal!!!....
Well, I'm gonna go! I will update again later! Au Revoir!!!! Love you all very much!!!!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 10:05 AM CDT
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Monday, 1 September 2003
Update...lots to write!
Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update again....

Okay, so here is what has been going on in my life this past week...
I am going to say it one more time and this is for final..Abbie and I are no longer friends...I am going to explain the story...
It all started about a month ago when Abbie said that Phillip scared her a little, and I said he was weird, well I got it mixed up and thought she said he was weird, so one day I jokingly told him she said that he was weird...Well, he decides to ask her about it and she says she didn't say it, which she didn' yeah..He tells me I am a two faced liar, because of the whole him and Brittany situation and the Abbie situation and some other people who told him I lied...which I never lie(seriously) The whole thing was brought up again by Whitt and Maggie Friday morning and he accused me of using Abbie, which I told him that he didn't know everything about the situation and needed to stay out of it then I told him SCREW YOU! and walked off, very yeah..then I gave Abbie a letter asking her about the whole weird thing and then she wrote back to me and explained to me what she HAD said, so I called him and told him what had happened and Abbie and I are no longer friends which I feel is for the best

well, that is what has happened so far....yeah...kinda exciting...but...yeah

I am veeery tired and still a little sick, so..ick!
I am ready to go back to school tomorrow, cause I want to know what I made on my Algebra test...I think I may have made a 100 on it, but I'm not sure...well, it is too complicated to try and write this and talk to other people, so I am going to go, I will update tomorrow..Bye! Love!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 9:19 PM CDT
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Saturday, 23 August 2003
Weekend baby!
Woo! Susan came over last night, and we looked at pictures..I got some more developed! They are soo great! We went to a pool party earlier, I got fried to a crisp...
I got an e-mail earlier, that helped me..It lifted my spirits..
I saw Bringing Down the House last night...It was pretty good...not as good as I thought it would be..

School is going good, I am making good is great! The friends problems are getting better, I figured one of them out, and another one is still..ugh! Well, I am gonna go! bye!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 7:32 PM CDT
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Thursday, 21 August 2003
man....looong time, no update
sorry guys!
School is okay..I got everything straightened out...My friendships are going good..I ran for student council rep, and even though I knew I wouldn't make it, I almost cried when I found out I didn't make it...
Susan is coming over tomorrow night..that should be fun! It better! Then we are going to a church pool party Saturday..I hope that is fun...
I have a lesbian teacher...I am a little scared...Shoot! Who am I kidding, I am VEEEERY scared...I might be going to Italy and France this summer...I really want to go! Plus the guy I like will be going...yay! I really like him...but he has a gf.. :'(

I am going on a diet so I won't be so icky..I feel so down, and I want to feel better...well, I am gonna go..I am sick, so I need sleep! Bye! Love!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 10:24 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
not much to say
Hmmm..I don't have much to say..I am very tired..I still miss my family and want to go to KY...I really do miss them..I can't wait till October, cause I may get to see them again...If not there is November and December..I gotta use my pics, so I can get the ones of the cuz's developed...

I have gotten over the friend problems, and I am just enjoying life...I am really doing much better, not worrying what others think of me..I am a nice person, and if someone doesn't like me because of something, well I am sorry...I may be friends with someone that my other friends don't like, but they don't have to be friends with the person, too, so...
I am going to run for Student Council rep, so all of you better vote for me!!! lol..I prolly won't get it, but I am still going to try..I am going to run for VP next year..Well, I am gonna go! Love you all much!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 9:25 PM CDT
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Monday, 11 August 2003
hmm...I don't know what to say, but so I am just going to write what is going through my mind at the moment.

I really miss Allison, I think that after Saturday, where we really got to "talk" that we are closer now, and that years from now, I will be able to call her and tell her everything. I know she is 9 years older than me, but she is SO AWESOME! She is the greatest cousin you could ask for. I love her to death! I really am glad that we got to talk more this weekend, and get closer!

I am going to let everything go with Abbie and just be nice to her and get along with her. I am going to be nice, and not judge her, if we aren't meant to be friends, something will happen, until then I am tired of being sick of her,and I am just going to get over myself. I am doing much better.

I still want to move to Kentucky though. I want to be able to talk to my cousin anytime, and get still closer to her.... I love her to death!!!!

I can't believe how many people are turning into freaks now..It is so weird..I guess I shouldn't use the word freak, cause they aren't freaks..just different. It amazes me how many people are gothic now..That is weird..Kinda like this one girl who is a preachers daughter turned gothic...It is really weird! Well, I am gonna run! Love you all!

Posted by blog/randomness0 at 4:58 PM CDT
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