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Y'all Ain't Gonna Believe This Shit....
Thursday, 4 September 2003
Kosher Dill Pickle Chips?
Yes, you read that right. They were in the machine downstairs. I couldn't resist. I mean, they had to be better than the hot dog chips, right? So I open the bag and eat a few... they taste like potato chips with dill pickle juice on them. I love pickles so these are the chips for me. I think they shall make for a nice turd.

Posted by blog/r6_princess at 10:39 AM
Updated: Thursday, 4 September 2003 10:41 AM
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It's All About The Green
Ok, I'm deep in the doghouse right now with the Mr. I'm terrible with money. I'll admit it. All I can say in my defense is that right now at this very moment I have a positive balance on my cheking account. That in itself is nothing short of divine intervention. I don't mean to be so financially irresponsible. I don't understand what my problem is. I KNOW in my head what I need to do to keep from getting into this mess again but I just have so much trouble with actually DOING it. I really do intend to be responsible with money from now on. We'll see how I do. Wow, what a boring post. Um...I named a fried shrimp 'Leon' the other day at lunch. :D

Posted by blog/r6_princess at 9:44 AM
Updated: Thursday, 4 September 2003 10:45 AM
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Wednesday, 27 August 2003
My Genealogy
I've been trying to track down my Davis roots over the last several months. I have gotten all the way back to the 1720's. I discovered that my GGGGG (5x) grandfather was the GG(2x) of Herbert Clark Hoover.
Herbie's mother was a Davis.

Posted by blog/r6_princess at 10:42 AM
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Tuesday, 26 August 2003
The Breakfast Incident
My mother babysits my 3 year old son and my 11 year old nephew (when school is out) during the day. Yesterday the kids sat down for breakfast. My mother got into the freezer for something, my son Gabriel was eating his scrambled eggs and my nephew Kevin was starting on his. Gabriel sneezed 3 times into his eggs. Kevin saw that Gabe had sneezed a giant neon green buger into his breakfast. Kevin freaked out and my mom ran over to dispose of the contaminated eggs. Kevin ran away without looking and the freezer door clotheslined him and knocked him flat on his ass as all the contents of the freezer door came toppling down on him.

I'm tellin ya, this is movie material.

Posted by blog/r6_princess at 5:34 AM
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What's With The Title of This Blog???
"Yall Ain't Gonna Believe This Shit....", the phrase that describes each and every event in my life. Just as an example, let me tell you a story...

Last x-mas my mother was all hanging ornaments on the tree. Apparently one fell through and got stuck near the bottom. My mother proceeded to crawl under the tree to get it when yes, you guessed it, the tree fell on her. All you could see were her feet hanging out. She was stuck. The tree was very heavy and my mother is a small woman. She yelled and screamed for my brother who was sleeping in the answer. She finally decided "fuck it" and had to use every shred of her tiny being to get the tree off of her. Several broken ornaments later, she emerged from the depths of the douglas fir unscathed. Naturally she runs to the garage to kick my brothers ass for not saving her. He meets her in the kitchen inquiring what had happened. As she explains, they can't help but laugh as it's just another day in the Davis household.

Posted by blog/r6_princess at 4:47 AM
Updated: Tuesday, 26 August 2003 6:47 AM
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