Hey everyone, I'd just like to take a moment to announce the obvious: PwnComics is officially dead. It had a nice run but it has expired and hasn't been updated in almost a decade. Fail, I know. The good news is we have recently taken it upon ourselves to start a new site. Visit it here at At this time the site is still under development, however the forums are working 100%, so come touch base with us, we're looking for staff, primarily forum moderators, web designers, and funny people to contribute content. Have a good one guys, and thanks for being fans all these years!
Written by Nova

OMG GUESS WHAT GUYS! That is fusking right... NEW COMIC
Written by Redpunkrox

Back... Angelfires So Ghey.
Hey guys... how long has it been... 4 maybe 5 months? This is a temporary home to the old pwncomics. I'm hoping I'll move it soon like... next month or so... until then... random funny chat logs work and that's it.
Written by Redpunkrox

Ownd yahoo chat
Well... I don't have an exuse to not update... just lost interest.. but decided this was funny enough to get on it... just a good ol fashion ownage on the yahoo chat rooms... PS PWNCOMICS IS BACK UP! LOL Now I'm not paying you to stand there... READ
Written by Redpunkrox

*Brushes the Dust Off*
Been a long time since I updated and I'm sorry. Lots o Sheet going on right now and pwncomics will not be fully up. Right now we have a series of chat logs. Hopefully I can get some ideas for a comic in at some point. For all the fans that kept with us... the whole 2 of you I'M GANNA GET YOU GUYS A COOKIE! AND HERE IT IS! THE COOKIE!
Written by Redpunkrox

I Have Ideas Now!
Ok ownage.... I needed a break from pwncomics to get my muse back. I have found my muse... I come back with a 12 scene comic... where things explode.... I dunno I feel like I made stickman more retarded. Pft READ
Written by Redpunkrox

Back With Honor!
Wow uberness we are back up. I told you guys if you didn't donate we would go down... luckily we ownd at the last second and renewed it before it cancelled it completely... anyway EAT CHAT LOGS!! Oh it feels so good saying that!
Written by Redpunkrox

Free T-shirt!
Hey guys... not the right way to start off my valiant return... but pwncomics will be going down because lack of money... I put a donations box below the new random funny box. If people really care then you guys will support us.. If not pwncomics might be going down forever. It wouldn't be me unless I made it fun. Whoever gives the most will win a free pwncomics t-shirt... that is if we get past 15 dollars to make the shirt. I'm not asking much... 1 cent or more it doesnt matter just show your support. Now as I promised... CONTENT! New random funny: Prank Phone Call Program Fun!. thanks guys.. God Bless! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!
Written by Redpunkrox

Am back.... with nothing!
Internets been fixed for awhile now.... but been swamped with school and stuff.... some random funny on the way and maybe a comic but for now CHECK THIS OUT Yes... I found the old Interface. Without the internet... I was bored and scoped through all my files I fould "backuppwncomics.html" I was like "WTF THIS IS AWESOME"
Written by Redpunkrox

Will be gone till 3/1/05
Well I'm moving again... You know what that means... I will be back on march 1st with 1 or 2 new comics or some new content... Nova I want you to try and update with some uber stuffz0rd. Till then SEE YA GUYS.

Written by Redpunkrox

Woah... V-day was today... Stfu and read the comic! <3!

Written by Redpunkrox

W000000000T TOMORROW IS PWNCOMICS BDAY WE WILL BE 1 YEAR OLD... SO I WORKED MY BUTT OFF THE GET A COMIC OUT IN TIME... W00T W00T W00T W00T I EHAT YUO! This joke is brought to you by "official REEEEE" for 2 years

Written by Redpunkrox

Do you remember 15.5?
HEY ITS LAURENS HALF BIRTHDAY WOAH! She's like 15 and a half... that means she can drive in half a year... this is why we are all celebrating.

Written by Redpunkrox

Newest Comic

Newest Random Funny

PwNComics is copywrited by the state of graxinatious... This means if you steal our stuff and we find out... there's no stopping us from tracking you down and crushing your computer so... have a nice day!