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بنام آفريننده ي عشق

نام   هادي  

نام خانوادگي   ترقي

سن   نوزده سال

خوب حالا يكم ا ز خودم براي شما مينويسم

my real name  is hadi and my last name is taraghi  but my friends call me pouya .I live in Iran and in uremia city .

I am 19 years old and I finished  my high school and  if I pass konkor exam maybe I will go to university. I hope I can go to university.  I like football very much  and now  I am football player . I like music too: I like some singers like:  shahab , daryoush  , pouya   , ebi ,  siavash gomeishi  and some other American singers like Alex I like him very much cause he is so attractive.

you can see me and chat with me . my id is:poya_farari      or       hitler_198564       you can see my profile and I put some photos of me here  for you but I think when you see me you pass out there cause I am very ugly boy then please don't laugh at me .



my email address:     


to know more about me and my friends who help me more  download this file and open it with office  or wordpad                                 download the file





download film of me