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My Super Home Page

click here for some good music. im sure that you will enjoy it.
here is a site that one of my friends made, heres a link, its here
here is our bands site, its here

I hope you enjoy those sites!! here is another one!

I do not have much to say about myself, i play guitar and i skateboard. here is a counter so click it so i can know how many people visited my site

here is something very cool

please let whoever is at this site click here

or for some cool stuf i tried to do:

click here

this is by far the best site i have ever made it is genious it's here

i realize this website is sort-of boring, it has nothing really interesting or exciting it has some chucklesome links on it but nothing really. so for your enjoyment i will tell a funny true tale of me and a go-cart. so i went to jons for the week sometime in the summer and he had a new dirtbike(which i never got to use) so i stayed all week went to the skatepark twice al those goodies. so on the last day we hadn't ridden his dirtbike or his go-cart. the throttle was broken on the bike or something. so his dad said we could ride the go-cart so me and jon were riding along and we go past where his brothers are waiting by the greenhouse. we go right past his brothers and they start chasing us. but we go around the orner and get away in time. so we're driving along and i feel a splat on my neck. i look back thinking someone had thrown a tomato or something but no one was back there so i reach back and feel my neck and got it on my hand. i smell it. jon smells it."what the hell is that smell" i say drive to the pool because you guessed it, i was sprayed with dog shit.


i hope you enjoyed that. because i didn't.