Original Poetry

The Real Me

Every morning i spend hours getting ready, for what? Who is there to impress? Maybe someone will look at me today and think wow she’s pretty. Hopefully no one will talk bad about me. Will I have a place to sit at lunch? During, after or before class you can usually find me in a bathroom or looking in some sort of mirror. Being insecure about how I look is what my whole life is based on. Some days I wonder why do I even bother, does anyone really find me attractive, do I waste my time trying to look good when it just doesn’t matter. It would be easier just to not worry about it and just go to school and be myself, but I cant. Is it just me who is constantly worrying about how they look, because maybe some guy will come around the corner. It doesn’t matter what they look like, it could be a retarded midget with one eye and yet I still check to make sure my hairs ok and my makeup not smeared. It’s even harder walking by an ex boyfriend or an ex boyfriends girlfriend because you have to look like he missed out on having such a pretty girlfriend. Today I got complimented, maybe all this work has paid off. I try dressing slutty even though I’m not, I think it gets me more attention. I saw a girl today in the bathroom and she told me that I should pull my skirt down or people would look at me, and I said to her, that’s what I was going for. Does what I look like really effect how I act? To me it does. If I think i look like shit one day im automatically in a bad mood. You’ll see me curled up in a sweatshirt trying to hide my ugly face from people. But why, why do i care so much? This is what i wonder walking down the halls at school, books held tightly to my body looking at my feet hoping i wouldn’t trip or get in any ones way, i wouldn’t want to upset anyone, im only a little girl who doesn’t care about herself, only what others think of her. How stupid is that? Maybe that's just it, Im stupid. I don’t know, it’s just a thought. This is the real me.


Your charming smile, your beautiful eyes
Were full of secrets and deceiving lies
Your friendly hugs, and your sweet gentle kiss,
All I wanted was you, one simple wish

I loved you, as I thought you could love me
You were my world, and my whole galaxy
Our affection shined bright, passion so true
I felt like the luckiest girl anyone ever knew

But all to soon, your love for me had changed
And our lives as one seemed to have rearranged
You had left me for another girl's heart
On this heartbreaking day from which we part

I admired you, and I always will
I know you have her, but I love you still

To Katie

To me you are more a sister then a friend.,
Not by birth or fate, but by luck and destiny.
So this I write to you sister I love you more then anything,
Threw everything it will always be, you and me.
A sister is someone who's been where you've been,
who knows you and what you're about...
Someone you know you can call if you need to,
when something's just not working out.
A sister is someone who's more than just family,
her friendship is one of a kind...
And the closeness you've shared through life's
laughter and tears,
is the deepest that you'll ever find.
I'm lucky to have a sister like you,
I wouldn't trade our special relationship for anything.
Nothing is more comfortable or more knowing,
that you're always there and the trust that you'll bring.
You've always been the best kind of sister,
You make life so enjoyable just by being true.
You have always have been there for me,
As will I be there for you.

Once Best Friends

Best friends we were for a while
Laughing and making each other smile
We all thought we were the same at heart
But one day we seemed to grow apart
Now you seem too immature for me
And although you may not see
How you act is not what I want to be
I don’t want to sound mean but this is how I feel
And this was something only time would reveal
We 3 people so much the same
What we were together was all just a game
You both thought it would last forever
And I just thought ok whatever
I'd play along with you for now
Well now is over as time would allow
I’m not mad at you, just like Blink 182
You Began with 3 and ended with 2
Can't you see we're different from each other?
But it's ok, you'll find another
Another to replace me forever
because now no longer can we be together


A poem written for Patrick Garriepy When my life was slowly slipping away
You were the one to brighten my day

Just when you some one to talk to Or whenever you need a friend Always remember I'm here for you I'll be here forever, until the end When night falls and the wind dies down, When you realize there's nobody else around When for once you can feel & let down your guard Please look at the sky and know I'm your star When you take a hit from the realities of life When you feel your whole world is surrounded in strife When the worlds on your shoulders & u feel there's no way out Please reach for my hand, I'll be your help When your sight is faded by everything that's fake When you feel like your soul is about to break When you cant see through the twisted lies Please search for me, you'll find truth in my eyes When all you need is someone to listen, When everyone else seems so distant When your heart is no longer there Please turn to me, realize how much I care.

Im Through

I'm through loving you each and everyday. I'm through going on and living this way, I'm through with you always breaking my heart. And sometimes I’ve wondered why did we even start. I'm through being the one always left crying. I'm through because you're always the one lying, I'm through with you because you’re never there. All this seems so unreal and so unfair. I’m through with honesty, I’m though with trust. I’m through with love and I’m through with lust, I’m through with you saying lets just be friends. So why don’t we just put this all to an end I’m through with everything that you do. I’m through with us, and I’m through with you.

Last Love

I wish I were your first love But its best to be your last. We were meant to be together, We've learn through errors from our past. Through trials, tribulations and painful lessons of the heart, We have gained a lot of wisdom, Giving us a great start. We have searched to find our soul mate. And I thank the lord above, I have found that special person. At long last, we found true love.


*Tonight as I sat and cried *I saw a star go shooting by * In love, in hope, in life, in dreams *I sat and thought about the sight I'd seen *Was the small star as lonely as I *On this black night, as I cried *I touched my face and felt the tears *That I have cried for all these years *And I wished upon that star *That I had seen from afar *I wished to have a love so true *And that was the night that I met you *You took my hand and dried my tears *And somehow took away my darkest fears *You opened my eyes and helped me see *Everything the world could be *You showed me all that I had missed *With your warm and gentle kiss *You held me in your loving arms *I was captured by your sensitive charm *You said to never again be scared *And then I knew that someone cared *Now no longer will I cry *Because I have you by my side *Your deep soft eyes warm my heart *And I knew from the start *I would do anything for you *Because you are my wish come true

You Waited

I can't believe you love me After all I put you through I can't believe you love me After what I've done to you But you waited You stayed there Knowing it was possible I might not have cared But you waited I was making a mistake You hoped I would realize All I had in my life was heartache So you waited You stayed there And you made sure I knew you cared Now I realize how much I put you through You waited when no one else would I realized I'm lucky to have a person like you You waited at the best time you could It was the time that allowed me to realize that I love you I'll always remember how you waited Somehow, someday I'll repay it