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Monday, 21 May 2007
Rainy day
Mood:  blue
Family problems on the mind. It has been raining all
At least the garden is in, & the bedding plants are getting a drink of natural water. I put out pails to catch some rainwater.
Meal planning: sole, mashed spuds, beets.

Posted by blog/pinktree at 2:11 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 June 2006
Mood:  sad
Here are the books I am reading:
1. A Trail Through Leaves, Hannah Hinchman
2. My Journey Into Alzheimer's Disease, Robert Davis
3. The Fence Bible, Jeff Beneke
4. Altered Books, Collaborative Journals, and Other Adventures in Bookmaking, Holly Harrison
5. Leslie Beck's Nutrition Encyclopedia
6. Creative Collage Techniques, Nita Leland & Virginia Lee Williams

Has anyone else read these? I'm thinking with it raining heavily outside, this is fortunate I have checked out these books.

Posted by blog/pinktree at 8:50 PM EDT
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Sunday, 13 November 2005
Books and Windmills
Books I am reading:
1. The Standing People: Field Guide of Medicinal Plants For The Prairie Provinces, by Kahlee Keane & Dave Howarth
2. Healing Plants: A Medicinal Guide to Native North American Plants & Herbs, by Ana Nez Heatherly
3. Choices by Melody Beattie
4. Komucha Rediscovered by Klaus Kaufmann
5. Attracting birds, Butterflies and Other Winged Wonders To Your Yard by Kris Wetherbee
Those should keep me going for a while. I am struck by how many of the common roadside plants that we think of as weeds have medicinal properties
Has anyone else read these books?

This week I want to get the film developed of the large turbines that generate electricity from wind. I was struck by how HUGE they are: much larger than the farm windmills. There are 83 of them on the site I visited. At first, it seems like being dropped into a science fiction village. Strange. Yes, the prairie skylines are changing. I hope the photos turn out okay..

Posted by blog/pinktree at 2:18 PM EST
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Saturday, 13 November 2004
What am I reading?
november 13/04
I am reading The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon. It is
a record of court life 1000 years ago, written by a
court lady of the imperial Palace in Japan.
It is interesting in itself, but I am using the
prompts in a section of the book. Such prompts
as pleasing things and things of which people are
rarely aware. There is also a glossary of Japanese
terms at the back of the book.
Something that would please me would be if the
muse would come back from wherever she is
hiding, so I could get some writing done. I did
manage to do a book review and puzzle for the
senior magazine. Will send that out shortly.
Have been zooming around ezboard and all its
tributaries. I can hardly get away once I start reading
hg r st v l a b c d e f g

Posted by blog/pinktree at 4:47 PM EST
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Saturday, 30 October 2004
baking bread
October 30/04
I made bread today. Turned out okay. Taste is good,
although it is not feather-light like Mom’s. Has a
nicer taste than bought bread.
I used the electric knife to
slice the warm bread.
Finished the book review of
The Revenant. Got it ready
to mail.
Finished the drapes I am making
for a friend. Just love the
pretty colours and material.
Hope they look okay when up.

Posted by blog/pinktree at 3:58 PM EDT
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Saturday, 25 September 2004

September 25/04
Writing Progress
I managed to send out 2 submissions, 1 to a
senior magazine, another to a literary zine. They
both print my stuff, so will probably print those.
Did a query too. Had 2 articles printed this
week. After a long dry spell, things are looking
up. Why are there these 2-month dry spells?
Do all writers have them?
I have been cleaning the woodshed. Found a
box of writer’s digest zines from previous years.
The articles are still pertinent.
Will check out pub98 for prompts and
Maybe I can keep the momentum going that way.

Posted by blog/pinktree at 5:10 PM EDT
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Saturday, 15 May 2004
May 15/04
Books I’m reading:
The Great West Before 1900
Ghost Towns of Canada
Running With Scissors
Collage For The Soul
I’ve always been interested
in collage, but never knew
how to get started. This
has so many ideas, and interesting
pieces completed.
Re writing:
I sent out 1 query and 1 sub
mission this week. Not the most
productive week, but not a total
loss either. Hope next week
will be better.

Posted by blog/pinktree at 5:21 PM EDT
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Saturday, 20 March 2004
March 20/04
I went to a site called Interesting. Brings back memories of going to
school. I had a metal oval shaped lunchbox with an orange lid and handles. The site has
classifieds, photos, articles.
I sent out 1 submission to Front Porch. It sounds like a magazine I would like to subscribe
to. Has true stories, anecdotes.
I don’t know how to get over the betrayal in my life. Try not to think about it, or try to
process it and get it behind me. Every time I think I’ve forgotten about it all, my mind
reminds me. The memory is a strange thing. I can’t remember what I went downstairs
for, but the hurtful stuff is etched in the brain. Why is that?

Posted by blog/pinktree at 5:12 PM EST
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Saturday, 13 March 2004
4 subs
March 13/04
Snowstorm moved in from the
west. Just when we thought
spring had arrived.
I sent out 4 submissions this
week. I sent to Alive, Grit,
Good Old Days and dabblingmum.
Will see what happens.
I wanted to send an interview
to an online zine, then realized
they only take first rights.
This interview had been previously
printed. Dang it.
I would like to interview
someone who cuts, but how does
one get in contact with someone
that cuts? I don’t know anyone
personally. I would protect &
keep name anonymous if desired.

Posted by blog/pinktree at 1:27 PM EST
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Saturday, 6 March 2004
3 subs
March 6/04
This week, I sent out 3 submissions,
all reprints, but at least they are
out at markets. One of the markets
is a freebie. The other 2 are paying.
I haven’t written anything new. It’s
as if my brain is drying up or something.

Posted by blog/pinktree at 1:05 PM EST
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