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1-18-04 Woo hoo! this page is finnaly coming together! PLEASE!!! Neomail me with any suggestions, questions or comments! More fun stuff coming soon!

1-21-04 This page hasn't been touched lately, and it wont be updated till somewhere around Tuesday of next week...

If you have been to my neopets guild,Dinner Club, you have heard about the big raffle. Well, if you have not heard about it, then here it is:
Every month, there will be a great BIG drawing. In that drawing will be NP, and possibly some donated items.

You are probably thinking right now that this is some big scam because you know that theres no way to transport NP to another player. Wrong. There is a way. All you have to do is open up a shop if you don't have one already. When you win some large amount of money-all you have to do is put some really cheap item like a palm fan into your shop, then price it however much I say you won.

However-here is the down part of the deal. As you know its free to join this guild. But to be in the drawing you have to go to my shop,Dinner Club, and buy the pumpkin pie for 500NP. You have to buy a pumpkin pie each month, if you do not buy one by the time of the drawing, you will not be entered in the drawing. The only reason you have to pay is because I need money to put into the pot. But I also contribute to the pot. I will know if you have bought one because I can look in my sales history.

Here is how you know you will actually get any money:If you do not win any of the many drawings, you will get 250NP back. I'll just tell you to put a palm fan or something cheap in your shop for 250NP, and I'll buy it. The reason I'll only give you 250NP back is because I need that money to make the pot of money larger for the next drawing. And I put an aditional 1,000NP to 5,000NP in the pot each month to make this worth while. So the more people that join, the more NP in the pot, the larger the amount of money in the drawings, the more the drawings.

Please neomail if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments at dinnerclub

Fun and games coming soon!