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Im liz im 14 years old and im about to go into year 10. i have never made a website before so im sorry if it isnt very good but i should et the hang of it soon. scroll down for some links to some other kool websites and dont forget to send me feedback on the site. keep cheaking back for more updates. Oh by the way if you have msn plz add me at i see ya soon. loadsa love

About Me

Name : Elizabeth(liz)
Birthday : january 6th
Eye colour : blue
Hair Colour : brown
Location : leicestershire (england)
Pet : molly (cat)

music : coldplay, Red hot chilli peppers
Food : Roasts
Drink : orange juice
Animal : monkey
Colour : pink and lilac
Soap : Cornation Street, Eastenders
Word : Random

food : Rice cakes
Drink : Diet drinks
Animal : wasps
colour : brown
Music : cheeky girls

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For all my links see the bottom of the page more will be added soon but plz add your own homepage to it.

More parts of my site will be added soon and plz remember to send me feedback or to sign my guestbook

get this gear!