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Funky Chic
Friday, 3 October 2003
ummm.. ookay
Okay. Just to let you know, MARYAM AND I ARE NOT "INVOLVED". It sounded really gay (literally) when I said "my new closeness with Maryam". Not that anything's wrong with gays.. I like them! But I like guys, myself. :)
I just randomly met some dude from Shammy. Dude. Strange, eh? EH!!! CANADIAN!!!!!

Posted by blog/pickles0 at 10:56 PM EDT
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Friday, 5 September 2003
Wow! Have I been busy!!
I can't remember the last time I posted on here.... well, of course I can ... but that was in the summer time and now it's ... THREE WEEKS LATER! Omg, it feels like so much longer. Time seems to go by fast but now that I look back on it so much has happened it has to have been like, centuries. I really can't talk about it now. I'm soooooo happy right now!! EEEE. I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive. And to see if I can remember my password. I'm very forgetful!!

I have to talk to you about
my braces
making a friend (EEEEE!!!)
My new school
and my new closeness with MARYAM!!!

Posted by blog/pickles0 at 4:38 PM EDT
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Thursday, 7 August 2003
I hate forwards!
You know the annoying little e mail things that you get -- ALL THE TIME!? I hate them so much! But that's all anyone ever sends on e mails!! I'd rather hear from my friend than how Bill Gates could send me a million dollars!! There are the ones where you have to make a wish. There are the ones where someone is dying and you have to send it to save them. OMG, it's so weird. You make a wish for the forwards and then they make you send it to so many people ... it's like they're threatening you. TV is making us forget about conversation. Forwards are making us forget about e mail ... MSN is making us forget about spelling ... but spelling doesn't really matter. It's the forward that annoy me.

Posted by blog/pickles0 at 9:50 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003
After my cousin's house
Hey!! It's been really fun at my cousin's house. It was soooooo much fun! I wish I lived there, they have practically everything you'd want to do there. Oh well, it's over now. Now I have 4 days to be home and then I have to go away for a week again. I have like noooo time this summer!


Posted by blog/pickles0 at 11:27 AM EDT
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Monday, 28 July 2003
Busy Day
Now that's a lame ass title. Oh well. I do have tons to do today. And lots of other stuff to do this summer. I was bored all July. I guess I'll be really busy in August.

I'm going to the movie (How 2 Deal) today. But before that I have a VERY important ortho appt!!!

This is the day that my orthadontist decides whether I get my braces off soon!! I'm DYING to have them off because they've been really painful lately and I want to look good for the start of a new school year (Grade 10)!! I wonder what I'll look like with straight teeth? I'm so excited!!

So anyways ... I have an ortho at 2:00 movie at 3:00 and then my brother and dad are golfing so my mom and I have to come with them for dinner. I really hate going to dinner with my whole family. Unless it's with my whole EXTENDED family. That way I can just chill with my cousins and brother and ignore my [minister *gag*] dad and [minister's daughter] mom.

Tomorrow I'm going to Hammy to see my Grandma. So I can tell her how I saw her in the movies! She's so cute. She's like Mandy Moore's biggest (and oldest) fan! LOL.

And I get to go to Kingston to visit Tristan for his birthday. (Tristan is my cousin). I was worried I wouldn't be able to visit him for this summer. It's so much fun at their house! They're fucking rich!!!! He has a pool, ping pong table, basketball court, giant trampeline, swamp, treehouse, bandminton net and rackets, a huge house, loads of movies, three tvs, and two dogs!!! He lives in the country too! Plus, he's really nice and fun to be around (in other words, not spoiled which is really suprising condsidering all the stuff he has). Actually, his parents are really strict!! I can't wait.

We're going to Shamrock Lodge in the second week of August, too! It's really fun there because my whole extended (hyper) family goes there and it's like one big family reunion. Plus, I can make a lot of friends there. And be as hyper as my potential. I remember last year I was OBSESSED with the muffin man and eyebrows. And this guy, who I think liked me, would go on and on about the muffin man just for me. AWWWWW! The only bad thing is that it's ALL guys there! There are some girls ... but they're all American. Nothing bad about americans, but at Shamrock, they mostly stick to themselves. OH well. I can be a tomboy for a week. (WATERSKIING KIX ASS!!)


Posted by blog/pickles0 at 11:47 AM EDT
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
My Sleepover
Okay, about a week ago my friend from Hammy (Carla) who I haven't seen in about a year came over for a sleepover. We talked and watched a movie and then we went to Canada's Wonderland!! (my 2nd time)

We went on msn a lot, too. She's the only person who really comes close to being as hyper as I am.

Crunchy pie.
Rubber bands.
Getting high on coke, nacho cheese, water, & air.
Stealing gimp.
YAH!!! Those are all the inside jokes, so I don't forget. There are so many hyper moments in my life, I don't wanna lose track of any of them! =D

Crunchy Pie - I went upstairs ... came back down. Carla said "What did you do?" I said "Ate pie" (it's just an expression I use all the time for no reason) she said "What kind?" I said "Crunchy pie!"

Rubber bands - an msn convo. REALLY long story. To make it short, we were just talking to this girl about her band and then Carla is like "dick" and the girl we were talking to (Jessica Geller) said "is that a band" and carla said "yeah it is ... a RUBBER band". LOL. So that's what I mean if I say rubber band and then start laughing.

Crikey - We were just imitating the guy on crocodile hunter who is soooooooo fake!'

Carla and I have the strange power to get high on EVERYTHING! From water to cheese.

SOUPIES!!!! I love soupies. We steal gimp from them. (They're these supervisor people at the park that you go to with friends and play games at stuff.)

And NEVER go to Roller Gardens on a Thursday. It's Christian night (gag) and NO ONE is there. It was sooooo bad.


Posted by blog/pickles0 at 3:53 PM EDT
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How to Deal
I'm going to go see How to Deal with 2 friends tomorrow. One of them (Jackie) already saw it but she wanted to see it again because my Grandma's in it!! 3 years ago I moved from Hamilton to Toronto and I like Hamilton a lot better ... even though I have more friends here (since half of my old Hammy friends deserted me as soon as I moved!!). How to Deal was filmed in my old neighbourhood! I'm so excited to see it ... it'll bring back old memories. LOL.

My Grandma lives in the neighbourhood (it's Westdale) and no she's obsessed with Mandy Moore! LOL!


Posted by blog/pickles0 at 3:37 PM EDT
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I can't believe I actually have a blog. This is really cool.

There's this stray cat that hangs around my house, now. It's so cute!! My mom caught it eating out of my cat's food when we left the door open. When I went outside it followed me everywhere. My friend was like "It's a horny cat!!"


Posted by blog/pickles0 at 1:27 PM EDT
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