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Life ain't a box of chocolates
Thursday, 10 July 2003

Thursday, July 10, 2003

im gonna cut my hair today with pearlie n dian.they are on their way and im still in my room,in front of my comp,still fresh from bed.haha.
well anyways,looks like im gonna bring my mango jacket to class!yay!
ok so im gonna bathe now.i called firdaus just now and i think he's pissed.well i cant help it you a little insecure.hehh.

# posted by laney @ Thursday, July 10, 2003
Wednesday, July 09, 2003

ok today was goood!!!
well fer good reasons.
1. we found out that we can get our money back fer the spoilt discmans..
2. we had mackers
3. i got my period
4. i finally got the mango jacket i wanted fer $39!
5. spent most of our time at sky garden
6. we came up with this gd idea of buying a discman n then using it fer less than 2weeks then refund it,get another,refund it..till we are satisfied!!!

anyways i didnt attend school today.oh thats reason no. 7 why my day went well!
we decided to come back to carrefour on sat after firdaus finishes work so we can get our refund back..then go shopping!woohoo!!
so anyways,to kill time just now,i followed him all the way back to simei cos i had to be in town by 930pm but it was still only 820pm when we left..then i made my way back to town..i felt stupid being in the train alone though..but i had my good fon to keep me company!heheh..
anyways im gonna sleep real tired.ive got school tomorrow and im gonna cut my hair and play pool with pearl and dian..and go jalan2 at tm!heheh..

# posted by laney @ Wednesday, July 09, 2003
[earphones||tell me-smileyz and southstar]

ok i got up early today.but nt as early as always.i called firdaus n he was aldy in sch.then i fell asleep again.the painkillers had worn off and my back started giving me crap again.after he finished school he called me n i was all excited cos id be spending time with him today.
but hes tired.
so hes at home now as i write this,sleepin.i do feel upset but i gotta look on the bright side,i will still be spending time with him.he said i should understand him..well i gues so.he got up early and i dont want his face to be sweeping the floor when he's out with im waiting.
im afraid there wont be enough time cos we plan to go to carrefour to repair our discplayers cos they both are screwed up.and ive got school later.i dunno if i wanna sit my ass in class.though i do enjoy school..but i wanna spend time with him.cos the next time i might see him is either on fri or sat.
and mind you,this is hard for me cos im used to seeing him close to everyday.
oh well life is unfair i suppose.

# posted by laney @ Wednesday, July 09, 2003
i noe i was just sayin abt y get committed so early..den i realise..when everythings going well,why wait?
well if u have got the right one and u both know it and everything permits why not..

# posted by laney @ Wednesday, July 09, 2003
[earphones||i want you-fat joe]

hes making time for me tomorrow.
im gonna spend time with him tomorrow.
it better be good.
it should be good.
it will be good.
anyways,i love firdaus no matter what.
ive got nothing much to write but i make it a point to write at least once a wel..i finally managed to pursuade my mom to lend me her fon[6510].cos i sold my 2 phones n gave one to my aunt n borrowed one frm my dad but very old skool n the batt leaks..haha
malu wanna take out my phone in the train!!
i decided the name nikki estrella or fatyn quistinie for my still lookin up my options.boys?hmm..leave that to the daddy.
anyways,i wanna get married soon.sick of maksiats.
so baby,when are we gonna get married?hmm..

# posted by laney @ Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Tuesday, July 08, 2003

[earphones||if i die tonight-too phat]

i want a boyfriend who makes time for me
i want a boyfriend who puts me first ontop of everything and everyone else
i want a boyfriend who listens
i want a boyfriend who is sensitive to my needs
i want a boyfriend who makes me feel secure
i want a boyfriend who will never cheat on me
i want a boyfriend who makes me feel like im priceless
i want a boyfriend who will always be by me
i want a boyfriend who cares about my feelings rather than his friends
i want a boyfriend who will accomodate me
i want a boyfriend who shares his feelings and thoughts
i want a boyfriend who is understanding
i want a boyfriend who proves what he says
i will never find that boyfriend.
why do i bother.

# posted by laney @ Tuesday, July 08, 2003
[earphones||tainted love-marilyn manson]

im feelin down..i miss firdaus so much.hes got school till 5.30!can u believe it?!and his phone's screwed is mine.
i gotta go aunt ogy's house to thread her 'pits' haha..
oh i got a pair of slippers from baby and they are soo cute!its from vincci n its really unique looking.heheh.i wore it immediately!
we were over at man's house and we were all tryin to bang on his drums.haha..apparently it tore. :P
ive got an appointment next week for check case the swellin dont come down,then ive gtta go fer fee-see-yo!
oh the doc said that my nerve swelled up n she gave me pills for wind,painkillers and vitamins..haha now she's makin me sound so old.
anyways im gnna watch dvds marathon.ive got hulk,solaris,ocean 11,hot chick,taxi3,not another teen movie,how to lose a guy in 10 days and sweet home alabama.air flown,first class from brunei!haha.see ya!

# posted by laney @ Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Monday, July 07, 2003

[earphones||feel like makin love-d'angelo]

im gonna go to the polyclinic soon..hehe i havent even showered.oh well u see how the net can get u into so much addiction?i visit my webbie before i visit the loo!haha
anyways its youth day,and jus cos im not in sch..its no youth day for me..this aint still young..
god mumsy's comin back with mak long n the whole troop!*make way for the datuks n datins!*hahah
well i gotta say that cos me uncle n aunt frm brunei are very the grand..haha..well my aunt is more to the grand side..oh well.
me gnna go toilet!later..

# posted by laney @ Monday, July 07, 2003
Sunday, July 06, 2003

[earphones||rock with you-ashanti]

ey fuck u lah huever the fuck's tryin to be me[the fucker hu said 'hi baby' in my tag ISNT me]!fuck u the fuckers hu fuck up my tag board.ey fuck off lahh!!
anyways,was at my dad's n he suggested i go to the poly fer an x-ray first thing tmrw daddy!
me baby brother's soo adorable.hes got two teeth now n he was walkin ard with his diapers hanging..haha..he had a tad too much pee..well what can i say?he lost his appetite and now hes diet is water.haha!:)
anyways,firdaus is starting school tomorrow and im nervous.not good nervous-bad nervous.

# posted by laney @ Sunday, July 06, 2003
[earphones||uncle fucker-southpark]

aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! when one is committed the other ISNT right?i am soo right..
what crap la freedom n shit.why get involved in a relationship if u want freedom?man talk abt sacrifices..
aint freedom a sacrifice.
shit lah.

# posted by laney @ Sunday, July 06, 2003
[earphones||where is the love-black eye peas]

i think im dying.

# posted by laney @ Sunday, July 06, 2003
[earphones||don't leave-blackstreet]

kay..juliana's fucking up my tag board.what ever lesbian crap u see there is all means of her work!!

ey ju stop it lah!i spent soo many hours tryin to put this together u noe!i kant keep wastin my time deleting wad crap u write!for nothing ure gnna get my relationship screwed!!

# posted by laney @ Sunday, July 06, 2003
[earphones||heaven must have sent you-d'angelo]

im in pain.
well im up cos i was supposed to go fer class den decided not to..and im bored cos ive got nothin to do so i might as well be in class[but of cos im not] full cos i just had asam pedas,hot dog and keropok..if i were in class i wldnt be full..and im in pain!my back hurts so badly now that i walk with a limp!and it would have been worse if i went for class..
i took my baby's advice,if im in too much pain,rest at home..if not it'd b worse..he's soo caring..aww.. :D
u noe how it feels like after u eat n ur so full that ur sleepy?well im feeling it now..hehehh..
well to colour my day today i might go over to my dad's in the evening.too bad i can't carry my baby brother back my just be broken. :P
well anyways,i think firdaus's gonna play soccer today..i so wanna see him play cos its just so overwhelming u noe when he scores n hes runnin up n happy.heheh..
anyways,shall continue later.

# posted by laney @ Sunday, July 06, 2003
Saturday, July 05, 2003

[earphones||get busy-sean paul]

"you labelled me,i'll label i dub thee unforgiven" [pearl]

# posted by laney @ Saturday, July 05, 2003

[earphones||the kkk took my baby away-mXpX]

well well well..i finally got someone else writing in my tag board.anyways i went to carrefour just now to get this $88 vcd/mp3/cd thingy..and its kinda cool..oh i was at carrefour and i tell u man they have lotsa things there!
i checked out the bra section and the pierre cardin bra sets are goin for $7.90 each!and they are wayy sexier than the ones sold at normal stores.
in the train on my way there,well i was wit myra,i was practically suffering throughout the whole journey!my back was hurting and when i stood up,the pain suddenly hit my buttocks too! i got a pillow for $4.90 from carrefour and carried it in my hand throughout my journey back to simei..even at jams..even at 'tempat tikus'..and firdaus was sayin..'wah like ur at home ah prepared with ur own pillow' he was right..i got comfy..
hes startin school on monday and im proud of my baby..mechanical chim!me gonna be wife to an engineer! my momma will be soo proud of me.. :)

# posted by laney @ Saturday, July 05, 2003
[earphones||angel-amanda perez]

tell me to my face what u think about.can we figure out..what happened to our happy ending anyway?

# posted by laney @ Saturday, July 05, 2003

[earphones||alhamdulillah-too phat]

i just got back home! so tired..some pple just talk too much[im referin to the ustad that teaches on fri class was till 3.30 A.M!]..heh..i should b saying that to myself. :)
anyways,im gnna type what i wrote on a carrefour phamlet just now..
" look im at somerset trying to kill time while firdaus is working..yes.. i am bored.well anyways i guess momsy's in brunei by now,with all the engagement crap.and i so wish i m in brunei cos i miss baby soo much!!man i used to have a sista hu messes up my room with me,and we enjoy it!!haha anyways, why get committed so soon?its usually when one party is committed,the other isn't.
sometimes u think things are working out then u realise..what the fuck?who am i trying to kid??..
i so should be doing something more constructive like reading TODAY os something..but apparently,i dread reading..heheh :p
oh well back to my topic..commitment,right?
well my brother has a problem committing to someone cos he's very career minded..and i on the other hand can get committed but when i do get committed,heheh..yelling,stress,broken promises,depression,frowns..wrinkles!!OMG!!
well i am a pessimist what can i say.i should be president of the pessimist foundation.haha.well im not an obsequous,subservient,unthinking female subjected to a man's oppression,ya know?? trying to get ideas to add things on to my blog like links,data,shout out..but no..that is not happening cos i know nuts about computers!
man sitting ans writing sure like writing and writing..
oh u know,having dian over at my place is fun.i mean its been a long time..we used to stay over at each other's every week when we were little..
we used to put blankets over two chairs supporting the ends of our 'tent'.then she'd tell me that there were worms in her toilet and id imagine maggots up my nose,crawling in my mouth,getting in my ears,getting lost in my hair..urgh!well u get the point.if pearl's reading this she'd be like eeeeeuuuuuuu..followed by her horrible laughter.haha!
well anyways,im bored out of my witts!just the little things girlfriends do for their boyfriends and it goes unappreciated! :) ..right ladies?? "

# posted by laney @ Saturday, July 05, 2003
Friday, July 04, 2003

[earphones||im addicted to you-simple plan]

things don always turn out the way they are supposed to..thats probably something ive learnt.when you expect too much,u get nothing out of it and when you dont expect anything at all,u benefit from it.
you know,i wonder if firdaus loves me to such an extent that he would make such a drastic change in his life just to accomodate me.
anyways,im down with sore eyes.well i think it is.. ??..
and i actually enjoyed school yesterday!! well mainly its cos we did almost nothing after the break and lil-miss-have-a-say didn't bug me!yay!
its raining cats and dogs!!and my toes are cold..aww..hehe.
mommsy's on the plane to brunei right abt now..shes w dian..the two delegates frm spore.haha

# posted by laney @ Friday, July 04, 2003
Thursday, July 03, 2003

[earphones||s2pid love-salbakuta]

i caught you red-handed!!

we might have had it all.i was so stupid needed time to grow.but now just as things well my feelings time things so sick of chasing you.but what do i get.cos i just seem to make me regret all the times spent with you.playing those games as i wait for your i give up so good bye and so long!

# posted by laney @ Thursday, July 03, 2003

Posted by blog/phenomenallaney at 4:25 PM
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hard work
well since i got a new url add,i think im gonna cut and paste all my entries from my previous account.hehe

Posted by blog/phenomenallaney at 4:16 PM
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